“It is,” August admitted. “I need to be impartial and … well, clearly I’m not.”
She nodded. “I’m very sorry. Did you want us to vouch for your character at the meeting? We’d be happy to.”
“Oh, no.” August was surprised but touched by the offer. “That’s nice of you but it won’t be necessary. I was wondering if I could have the condo to myself for a few hours. Well, Nico will be here but …”
“Of course. We’ll give you whatever privacy you need.”
Noor nodded her agreement. “Yes, absolutely. I’ll let Pieter know the plan.”
“Thank you. The meeting is at nine.”
“We’ll be out by 8:30,” Isa promised.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
It felt rude to ask Nico’s parents to leave his condo but August couldn’t bear the thought of having other people around when he was told he was suspended.
It wasn’t going to be pretty.
After the tea was done steeping, Noor handed him the steaming mug, then patted his shoulder. “Now, go take care of Nico so you both can get some sleep.”
“I will. Thanks.”
When August stepped into the bedroom, Nico rolled onto his back.
“Who’re you talking to, Auggie?” he asked sleepily.
August almost said ‘your mom’ but that sounded like a bad retort and Nico had several moms. “Isa and Noor,” he corrected. “Noor made you some ginger tea.”
“Mmm. It helps.”
“So she said. Need help sitting up?” August took a seat on the edge of the mattress and placed the mug on the nightstand. He pulled the medicine and sports drink out of the pockets of his sweats.
Well, Nico’s sweats. He’d hastily grabbed whatever clothing he could get his hands on first.
“No. I’ve got it.” Nico dragged himself upright, leaning against the headboard with a sigh. “God, this sucks.”
“I know.” August handed over the cold drink. “Take your meds and hopefully they’ll kick in soon.”
August twisted the cap off the container, then tapped two pills into Nico’s palm.
He swallowed them with some of the electrolyte drink, then set it aside. He reached for the mug, cradling it to his chest. “Thanks for all this.”
“Of course. I hope it helps.”
Nico sipped his tea slowly. “How’d you know not to turn on the lights?”
August gave him a small smile. “Hey, I played hockey too. I know what a concussion feels like. I figured this was similar enough.”
“Pretty much,” Nico said with a sigh. “God, I don’t know why this headache hit so hard tonight.”
“Maybe you overdid it a little yesterday,” August suggested. “You had PT, you were out in the bright sun—”
“I wore sunglasses!” he protested.
“I know, but you also watched the game and we had sex.”
“Ugh, you better not cut me off,” Nico muttered sulkily. “Or I’m getting a new fake fiancé.”