Page 109 of The Head Game

“Are you sure that’s such a good idea? I don’t know.”

“Last night you told me you wanted me!”

“I do!” August said. He closed his eyes. “Obviously I’m attracted to you—”

“It’s because I’m so hot, isn’t it?”

August glared. “What happened to the guy who was all worried about his looks last night?”

Nico hid a wince. Oh he was still in there for sure, but something about August’s confession got Nico going.

“He’s not invited to the party tonight,” Nico said dismissively. “Your grand gesture got me fired up and I want to fuck.”

“I keep telling you, it wasn’t a grand gesture!”

“Wasn’t it though?” Nico studied his face. Despite August’s denials, the mad rush to the hospital and lie to the hospital staff had to mean something, right? It was kind of … touching August cared so much. Especially when he pretended to be all blustery and serious and annoyed by stuff all the time. Nico could tell there was a gooey core inside August beginning to leak out of his hard chocolate shell. “It sure seems like it was. I think you really like me, Auggie.”

“You’re the single-most infuriating human I have ever met.” August’s scowl was ferocious.

“And yet, you’re fake engaged to me.” Nico shook his head, smiling. “I think you’re into that shit.”

“I’m ignoring that.”

“Good. Let’s focus on what’s important here. Sex.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. Honestly, I figured I could sleep on the floor now or whatever.”

Nico stared at him. “You have to be joking.”

“Well, the situation is … complicated now, right? I’m not who you thought I was and—”

“Oh for God’s sake,” Nico snapped. August’s uptightness was charming—up to a point. “You’re being ridiculous. Is this why you didn’t want to fuck last night?”

August grimaced. “Well, it was a big part of it. I really was exhausted but I couldn’t in good conscience have sex with someone I was lying to.”

“Well, now I know.” Nico got off his lap and shoved his underwear off, letting them pool around his ankles. “And I’m still down to bang. Are you?”

August’s gaze never wavered from his face. “Well, uh …”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Nico let out an annoyed huff. “If you won’t have sex with me, I’m going to go jerk off in the shower.”

At least his dick was working better now. He’d started to get hard earlier when August was petting his head.

Being hard was the best feeling in the world. And being horny made him feel like himself again.

August stood. “You shouldn’t shower yet. The contractors are coming tomorrow to install the grab bar. We wanted it installed before you were released from the hospital but there was a delay and it isn’t ready.”

Nico groaned, tipping his head back. “I can’t wait any longer. I feel gross. Sponge baths aren’t cutting it and you wouldn’t even help me with those.”

“Well, now you know why!”

“So you will help me now that I know we’re not engaged?” Nico walked toward the bathroom, throwing a grin over his shoulder. “Fuck yes. I changed my mind. I’m going to lie in the tub like a sultan and let you bathe me.”

“I did not agree to this!” August reminded him, but he was right on Nico’s heels.

“Fine. You can shower with me instead,” he said magnanimously. “Be my big strong man in case I get lightheaded again.”

“You seem fine to me.” August’s tone was skeptical, but there was a light in his eyes like he was beginning to enjoy this.