Page 104 of The Head Game

Nico waved that off. “It’s been what? A little over a week since the surgery?”

August nodded.

“And I’ve barely been awake for more than a few hours at a time since, right?”

“Yeah, but I could have done better. I’m sorry. I should have told you—”

Nico wasn’t surprised August was so tightly wound about this but his overreaction was funny. “No, stop apologizing. I’m not mad. I was just curious.”

“Nico, there’s more to it. Someone leaked the engagement to the public. Kate knows the truth and she bought us some time but … we’re going to have to figure out how to deal with that. And soon.”

“Huh. Okay.” Nico studied August’s face. His handsome, handsome face. “Well, I guess as far as fake fiancés go, you’re not half-bad.”

“Thanks?” August shook his head. “But seriously. We need to figure this out—”

“You can tell me later, okay? I’m hungry and I want dinner first.”

“Are you sure, because—”

“I’m sure. And don’t stress so much. I find this whole situation hilarious.” He smiled at August, trying to reassure him.

“Wait. You’re really not upset?” August studied his face intently.

“Hell no. This is funny as shit. I’m a little disappointed I wasn’t in on it earlier because I could have had sooo much fun playing this up in the hospital.”

August blinked. “I thought you’d be angry.”

“Nope.” Nico gave him a wicked grin and reached down to squeeze his ass. “But now that I’m in on this, you better watch out, Auggie. Things are going to get verrry interesting …”


August was in hell.

He’d genuinely thought Nico would be angry with him about the lie but no, instead, he seemed amused by it.

And an amused Nico Arents was an absolute menace.

After they took their seats on the couch with their plates of sushi, Nico scooted close, pressing himself right up against August’s side.

He frowned at his food. “Hmm. I don’t think I can manage chopsticks.”

“Well, you can use your hand,” August suggested.

“What a good idea.” Nico lifted a piece of sushi to his mouth and chewed, then exaggeratedly licked his fingers in a way that made August think of Nico’s mouth on his dick. “Mmm, yummy.”

“Glad you’re enjoying it,” August said tightly.

Oh no. I have a feeling I know where this is going.

“Not as yummy as you though,” Nico said with a little flutter of his lashes. “God, I feel so lucky to have you around, Auggie.”

August coughed quietly. “Uh, glad to hear it.”

For a few minutes, August thought that might be the worst of it for a while, but after a few bites, Nico set down his plate with a frown.

“My hand hurts.” He batted his lashes harder this time. “You should feed me.”

August shot him an unamused glance but well, he probably deserved this after what he’d done.