Page 100 of The Head Game

“Thanks, Jules.” August sighed. “I think I’m going to need it.”

* * *

When Nico woke up from his post-physical therapy nap, he was alone in his bedroom. After much whining and wheedling on Nico’s part, August had joined him in bed.

Nico had fallen asleep with his head on August’s chest, while August read a book on his tablet but he was gone now. Rude.

Nico stretched and sat up, wincing when his head throbbed. God, was he really going to have to deal with these headaches for months?

The doctor had warned him it would take time for them to go away but he’d thought maybe she was exaggerating.

Nope, not so much.

He dragged himself out of bed, put on his shoes so he didn’t get yelled at, and slumped his way into the main living space.

He shouldn’t be this tired. All he’d done at rehab today was a bunch of stupid hand exercises.

Nico found his mom sitting at the dining room table immersed in work on her laptop, and August was seated on the couch, watching a hockey game. Everyone else appeared to be gone.

Nico squinted at the screen. Florida was playing Washington and they were ahead by two points in the first period.

Nico took a seat next to August, stretching out on his side and putting his head in August’s lap. Nico still couldn’t sleep on his right side—where the incision was—but he could be on his left now. Much better.

August shot a confused look down at him, which he ignored in favor of wiggling to get more comfortable.

His mom pulled her earbuds out. “How do you feel, sweetheart?”

Nico shrugged. “Tired. Head hurts. Want to play hockey.”

“Aww. I’m sorry. I’m sure that’s frustrating.”


“Do you need some pain meds?”

“I guess.” It wasn’t the worst headache he’d had, more of a dull, throbbing ache with some weird zingy nerve feelings for funsies. But if he didn’t get ahead of it, it could turn into something worse.

“If you get up, I can get your medication,” August said, lightly pushing at Nico’s back.

But he shook his head. “Nope. Want you to pet my head. Makes me feel better.”

Isa laughed. “I’ll grab the medicine. You take care of Nico, August.”

“Pet your head, eh?” August asked, his tone dubious.

“Yeah, do that thing you do. Where you kind of … pet me.” Nico burrowed against August’s lap. His thighs were kind of like solid slabs of wood, but it was still nice. “You did it in the hospital a lot.”

“Huh. Okay.”

Nico shivered when August’s fingertips grazed his skull. His scalp felt very sensitive now that his hair was only a few millimeters long.

“Like this?” August murmured.

“Yep.” Nico relaxed. “Just like that.”

“You two are very sweet,” Isa said with a smile as she brought over some over-the-counter painkillers and a glass of water. “How long have you been engaged?”

“Dunno,” Nico said, sitting up when she held them out to him. “I can’t remember it at all. Auggie, you tell her.”