“You’ll both be suspended while this is being investigated. Every call of yours in a game where Toronto played will come into question.”
August winced. “You think they’ll suspend me?”
“Pending investigation, yes.”
Kate narrowed her eyes. “You’re telling me you’re only thinking about this now?”
“I …”
“I expect Nico to be reckless but you have a reputation for being very rigid with the rules, Manning. I have no idea what you were thinking.” She shook her head. “We will be talking more; you can count on that.”
“I have no idea what I was thinking either.” August slumped back in his chair and Skylar shot him a guilty look.
I’m sorry, she mouthed.
But he couldn’t blame her.
This was his punishment for lying in the first place. Once he started down that road, this outcome became inevitable.
He was the one who had gotten himself in this situation to begin with.
And he was the one who would face the consequences.
Nico swam into consciousness slowly, blinking his eyes and trying to focus. He was so tired.
“You have some more people waiting to see you,” the nurse said. “Can I let them in?”
“Yeah, okay,” he croaked. His throat felt raw.
He closed his eyes for a moment and when he blinked them open again, a blonde woman and a dark-haired man stood over him.
Not strangers like all of the people in scrubs when he’d first woken up.
Not his parents. He’d seen them already. And his stepmoms. These people were younger and wearing regular clothes.
They looked familiar but when he tried to grasp who they were, the thought slipped away like trying to grab something underwater. The harder he tried, the further it was pushed away.
“Hey, Nico.” The guy’s voice sounded rough. “Do you know who I am?”
Nico licked his lips, his mouth dry. “Should I?”
“No. It’s okay if you don’t.” His eyes were a little wet.
Nico reached out, touching his face. “You look like someone I want to remember.”
He chuckled. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. You’re … you look like someone I’d like to kiss.”
“You just had brain surgery and you’re hitting on people already. Only you, Nico.” The woman spoke and Nico turned his head to look at her.
“Don’t worry. I think you’re pretty too.”
She laughed, tears flowing down her face. “Thanks, Nics.”