Page 49 of The Head Game

“Then after you have breakfast, you can go for a short, supervised walk.”

Nico wanted to remind her that he was a big boy and he’d skated through a lot worse but when he remembered what had happened last night, he sighed.

Maybe she had a point. And Kate would kill him if he did something dumb.

“Okay,” he agreed with a resigned flop against the pillows. “Fine.”

Leigh gave him a little smile. “Let me go check on your breakfast. Would you like to watch some TV in the meantime?”

“I guess,” he said reluctantly and took the remote she’d detached from the side of the bed.

He’d always been healthy and he’d never spent any time in a hospital other than concussion tests and a quick ER trip for some stitches. He was going to be bored out of his fucking mind here. There was nothing to do.

He was suddenly glad Sky had been pushy about coming. She’d keep him entertained.

“Oh, Leigh?” he asked.


“I’ll have some visitors coming in today. Can you make sure they’re all allowed in to see me? I know there are security holds in place to keep random weirdos out but I’ve got family and stuff on the way and I want to make sure they can get in to see me.”

“Yes. Kate already spoke to us about that. It won’t be a problem. As long as they can verify the assumed name you’re listed under, we’ll allow them in, Mr. Arents.”

He gave her a smile. “You can call me Nico.”

Leigh was probably around his age. Young and cute and it felt very weird to have her be so formal.

“We’ll make sure your loved ones are allowed in, Nico.” She smiled and patted his shin.

“Okay. Thanks.” With a relieved sigh, Nico settled back against the pillows.

“Now, while I’m in here, let’s get your vitals and do a quick neuro check.”

“Sure.” Nico let her fuss around and take notes on her mobile computer.

Leigh frowned after she checked his blood pressure and heart rate. “Hmm. They’re both a little elevated. Are you feeling okay?”

He shrugged. “I guess? I mean, I’m kinda stressed about the idea of someone cutting into my brain and scooping some of it out, so …”

She gave him an understanding smile. “Well, that’s understandable. Now, can you please give me your name?”

“Nicolaas Arents.”

“And where are you?”

“Niagara Medical Center. In Buffalo, New York.”

“What year is it?”


She asked him a few more questions, shined a flashlight in his eyes, then studied his face. “Okay, everything looks good,” she said when she was done.

Nico scoffed. “Of course I look good.”

Leigh chuckled. “I’m checking for facial drooping.”

“Sure you are.”