Page 193 of The Head Game

Because it was like someone had taken away a big piece of who he was.

“Nico.” Pat looked him in the eye. “We do have an idea of a role we’d like you to take on in the meantime. We’d like you to work with the PR department on the team’s social media.”

“Don’t you have like … interns and stuff? I mean, Kelsey does a great job and—”

“Well, as Kate keeps reminding all of us, this team could be doing more to leverage our social media to grow the game. We know you’ve had great success with your own personal brand and feel you could be useful to the department in taking that experience and applying it to what is done for the team.”

Nico considered the idea. “Well … it’s not playing but … I could do that.”

He’d be good at it too. The Adventures of Miss Muffins and Marty the Fish had totally blown up on social media.

“Just think of it this way,” Pat said. “You’ll be able to spend more time with the team while you continue to heal. It’s a win for all of us.”

Nico nodded. “I like that idea.”

If August had upended his entire life and started from scratch with his career, Nico could handle doing something else for a little while as he worked hard to get back on the ice.

Yeah, the idea was starting to grow on him.

“How much freedom do I have?” Nico asked with a grin.

Pat smirked. “As much as Kate allows you.”

* * *


“Remember,” Nico said earnestly as they walked toward the studio where the Puck Thoughts Podcast was filmed. “If you get tripped up or don’t know what to say, leave it to me.”

August shot him a look. “I’ve gotten better at this, Nico.”

“I know,” he said with a laugh. “I’m just reminding you.”

“I appreciate that.” August wrapped his arm around Nico’s waist. “But I promise, I can handle it.”

August might never seek out a life in the spotlight for himself but it came with the territory when dating someone like Nico Arents.

Nico had been talking more on his social media about his recovery and now that he was feeling well enough to go out, they were approached more and more in public.

Lots of people had their own stories to tell about brain tumors and seizures and recovery. For the first time, August understood what Nico meant about social media allowing him to connect with people.

They’d done a handful of interviews and photoshoots too.

Nico swore August could be a model if he wanted. He’d scoffed because he very much did not want that. But he felt more comfortable with it all at least.

And there was a little thrill to being interviewed on a hockey podcast, even if it wasn’t for the reasons he might have hoped for as a teenager.

After meeting the show’s hosts, Tad Taber and Liz Newman, they had to do hair and makeup since the episodes were also filmed and put up on social media.

Nico had done stuff like this before but it was definitely new to August so he listened intently as some behind-the-scenes guy explained everything they needed to do.

The setup took longer than August expected but it meant he felt prepared and was more focused on logistics than nerves when they took their seats and began.

“Well,” Liz said with a smile, after the introductions. “Thank you both for being here. This has been quite the journey for the two of you.”

“It has,” August agreed.

Tad Taber laced his fingers together. “First of all, Nico, we want to say how sorry we were to hear about your brain tumor. That must have been a very difficult experience for you.”