Page 192 of The Head Game

“Exactly,” Isa said. “The whole thing seemed to make you feel better and we all agreed we liked having August around.”

“And,” Pieter said, “we’re aware we’ve been a little heavy-handed with our concern over your recovery. It was good to have August here to keep us in check.”

“He’s good at that.” Nico buried his face against Miss Muffins’ fur.

Isa looked intently at August. “We feel a bit guilty though. Like we were using you for our own peace of mind but you were taking such good care of our boy. It was obvious how well suited you are for each other and we hoped that if we didn’t meddle, you’d see you were meant to be together.”

Nico grinned. “See, I told you, Auggie. We were meant to be.”

August chuckled and pulled him close. “It appears to be genetic, this belief in fate you all have.”

“Hey, your own twin said the same thing,” Nico protested. “So don’t talk genetics to me.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. He’s been insufferable about being right.”

“How are Sky and Julius doing?” Isa asked.

“Mmm,” Nico said. “Still figuring out stuff but I think once the baby is here, she’ll realize he’s exactly what she needs. Not that she couldn’t do it alone. She totally can and she’s tougher than anyone gives her credit for. Plus, of course August and I will try to help as much as we can, but I’ve realized life’s way easier when you have a person in your corner. I think Sky will get there too, once she stops being stubborn.”

He looked affectionately over at August. “And really, the Mannings are very practical. Everyone should have one.”

August laughed. “You’re feeling incredibly smug about having snagged one of your own, aren’t you?”

“Quite,” Nico said. “I always knew I was a genius.”

Isa chuckled. “Oh, I’m so delighted you two are together for real now. You were so sweet pretending and we hoped you’d figure it out in your own time. I’m glad to see you’ve done that.”

Nico smiled at August and leaned against his side. “Yeah, we definitely did.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll keep him,” August said.

And Nico had to kiss him for that.



“Next season?” Nico whispered. “I can’t play until next season?”

“I’m sorry, Nico.” Dr. Strickland’s look was sympathetic. “I know this isn’t the news you wanted.”

Nico shook his head, looking away from the team doctor to glance at his head coach and the team’s GM. “I don’t understand. Is this about August and I?”

Pat Fleming looked startled. “What? No! The fine the league gave you means the situation is over and done. You are free to play as soon as you’re medically cleared to do so. We’re hopeful that by this summer, you should be able to do some no-contact training. Hopefully by training camp, you’ll be cleared for full-contact practices. But there’s no way you’ll be back on the ice by the post-season.” He laughed ruefully. “Though at the rate we’re going, I don’t know if we’ll make it to the playoffs. It’s not looking good.”

He leaned forward.

“Look, Nico, you’re making incredible strides. According to all of the tests, your vision and grip strength are both improving at a much more rapid pace than anyone expected. It’s clear you’ve been putting in the hard work. But we simply cannot allow you to return to play until we’re confident you’re fully healed.”

Dr. Strickland cleared his throat. “After we looked at the latest CT scans, I spoke with various colleagues within the league, neurosurgeons, orthopedists … everyone I could think of to get their input. But we’re all in agreement. The risk is far too high. This is a full-contact sport. It takes months for the skull to fuse completely after the type of procedure you had. We’ll do several scans over the next six to nine months and see where you’re at. They’ll allow us to monitor the rate of bone fusion, but as of right now, you’re nowhere close to being ready.”

Nico sighed. “I thought I was.”

Coach Casey gave him a sympathetic smile. “I know. And I’m sorry you aren’t. We all hoped you would be but it isn’t realistic to get you out there again yet.”

Nico nodded.

It hurt. God, it hurt. If this is what it had felt like for August to find out he was banned from refereeing, Nico’s heart ached for him.