Page 156 of The Head Game

“Yeah, not bad,” Nico said. “He seems fun. Oh, were you done talking to him?”

“I guess so,” August said drily.


August waved it off. “So did I hear you offer to set Jules and Skylar up?”

“Yeah. I mean, I wasn’t necessarily going to plan a double date with them or anything but I thought maybe we could have them both over sometime or something just to hang. He said he wants to talk environmental policy with her. The strange part is, I think he actually meant it.”

“That’s definitely Jules.”

“What a weird pair you are,” Nico said, but he sounded almost fond. “And what the hell were your parents feeding you?”

“Pretty sure it’s embedded in the DNA.” If Nico was amused by how passionate he and Jules were about their respective interests, he’d lose it if he ever met their parents.

Nico wiggled gleefully in his seat. “I am so looking forward to this. Sky won’t know what hit her.”

“Good thing one of us is.” August shook his head. “So, how was PT?”

“Great. I saw another little improvement in my dexterity.”

“That’s amazing! I’d suggest we celebrate but that didn’t go over well last time.”

Nico made a face. “Right? Well, let’s go home then. We’ll tell my parents we’re going to take a nap but get freaky instead.”

August chuckled. “Why do I feel like we’re sixteen?”

“Cause that’s the way they’re treating me,” Nico said. “I love them but oh my God am I ready for them to go home.”

“I know.” August put the car in gear. “Hey, are we definitely going to the team skate tomorrow? I got a text from Kate asking us to confirm. She said you’re ignoring her.”

“Ugh, I guess. I’m not super excited about it.”

“Hey, I get it,” August said softly. “I feel a little weird about it too. I may have already reffed my last NHL game and …”

Hanging out with the team was going to leave him feeling weird.

Nico reached out, tangling their fingers together. He squeezed and August was grateful for the silent gesture of support. “I’m sorry you got all mixed up in this.”

August tried to shake the glum feeling off. “No, it’s not your fault. This is where we both are in life. We just have to decide what we want to do tomorrow. Kate said it’s up to you. I know the team would like to see you and I am sure a lot of the support staff would too, but it’s your choice.”

Nico poked out his lower lip. “It’s gonna suck.”

“Yeah, probably,” August agreed. “But it won’t be long. Then we can go do something fun after.” He winced. “We’ll let your parents know ahead of time so they don’t worry.”

“Okay.” Nico sighed.

“Wait, no,” August said with a grimace. “I need to go home after. I need to deal with a few things there before this weather hits. I might even stay in Hamilton overnight to make sure we don’t lose power or something.”

“Nooo,” Nico protested. “But what will I do without my Auggie body pillow? Did you know I used to wake up like six times a night? I have never slept so good in my life as I do now.”

So much for Isa thinking her insomnia wasn’t inherited, August thought. Aloud, he said, “That’s probably because of your body’s general need for sleep right now. Not me.”

“Nope, it’s you, Auggie. I’m sorry but you’re going to have to get used to the idea.”

“Hmm,” August said skeptically. “I don’t know.”

“You’re stuck with me,” Nico said cheerfully. “The sooner you resign yourself to that the better.”