“No, I should meet them. You’re not telling them the engagement is fake, so of course they want to scope me out.”
“Yeah. I just don’t think it’s fair to make them lie for me, you know?”
“I understand.”
“I feel guilty though.”
“Hey, I know.” August reached out and squeezed his knee. “And I appreciate you doing this for me.”
Nico shrugged off the praise. It felt like August had done way more for him than the other way around. “You’re keeping my family in line; I’m selling the romance. It’s all good.”
Nico was mobbed the second he stepped inside Dustin and Charlie’s house.
Matty was the first one to get to him. Nico had never figured out how anyone that big moved so fast on or off the ice but the second Nico stepped in the door, he was engulfed in a big, careful hug.
“Shit, Nico, it’s good to see you,” Matty said gruffly, his voice thick with emotion. He held on tightly and Nico tried not to squirm.
Dude, he and Matty were cuddle buddies when they drank but right now Matty was hugging him like he was his favorite childhood stuffed bear or something.
When Nico finally extricated himself from Matty’s grip, he was surprised to see his face was wet.
“Aww, no, don’t cry, Matty,” Nico said, alarmed. “I’m fine.”
Matty wiped at his cheeks, dragging the back of his forearm across his face. “Holy shit you had us scared, dude. We thought you were going to die.”
Nico tried to respond but Dustin was right there, wrapping him up in a hug too. “Jesus, Nico, I was so worried about you.” Dustin’s hug was bone-crushing. “Matty’s right. It was terrifying.”
“Dude, let me go,” Nico squeaked when Dustin squeezed so tight he could hardly breathe. “It’s a little much.”
“Sorry.” Dustin immediately backed off. “Did I hurt you?”
“What?” Nico laughed. “No. I just couldn’t breathe, man. It’s like you missed me or something.”
“Dude, we all did,” Jonah Brewer said seriously. His hug was a little less intense but still tight.
Nico was passed over to Colton and Dom and Jordan, who all hugged him like they hadn’t seen him in years.
“Surprised you didn’t invite the whole team,” Nico joked, but their responses made him realize how worried they’d been for him. How much they cared. “And the WAGs and kids.”
“We didn’t want to overwhelm you,” Charlie said with a smile. “And we’re SAPs now, thank you. Spouses and Partners is what we decided to go with.”
“Charlie!” Nico grinned and squeezed him tight, then gave him a quick up and down. “Looking good.”
He had on a silky pink top and high-waisted trousers along with mile-high heels and lipstick to match the shirt.
Charlie did a little twirl, then swatted Nico on the arm, his eyes twinkling. “Are you supposed to be flirting like that when you have a fiancé?”
Nico grinned. “If you think this is flirting, baby, I have been gone too long.”
Charlie grinned back before his expression grew serious. “I am so glad you’re okay. Dustin was worried sick about you.”
“Funny. He said you were the one worried about me.” But Nico was touched.
Charlie’s smile deepened. “Maybe it was both of us.”
“Speaking of fiancés …” Nico held out his hand. “C’mere, Auggie.”