Page 3 of The Husband Game

Well fuck. There was no hiding that.

Kate Foster was going to string him up by his nuts.

Dustin checked his texts and winced again. Oh yeah, there were the irate texts from the team’s VP of Communication and Public Relations demanding to know why she hadn’t been informed of his upcoming wedding.

I can’t believe we learned about your wedding from the post on the official NHL account, Dustin!!! It DOES NOT LOOK GOOD to leave your new spouse’s name off the post.

I know you like to keep your private life private but we cannot properly navigate that if you don’t let the PR department in on it! The NHL account should not have scooped me on this!!

Call me ASAP!!

Sorry Kate, he thought guiltily.

Dustin backed out of that text without replying and found another message, this one from his agent, Wade Cannon.

When I saw you flirting with Charlie last night, I didn’t know you were planning to marry him. What the FUCK, Dustin? This isn’t like you! How do you want me to handle this?? Kate is up my ass about why I didn’t warn her about the marriage!


Gah, Dustin could do without the shouty caps although it was better than irate voice messages. Though … he squinted at his phone. Yeah, he absolutely had some of those from Wade too.


His agent was definitely going to help Kate string him up by his nuts for not informing him about the wedding ahead of time.

But how in the hell could Dustin have warned anyone about his marriage to the beautiful and sassy figure skater when clearly neither of them had planned to get married?

When Dustin’s foreplay with Charlie had consisted of flirtatious arguments where Charlie pushed him away with one hand and pulled him close with another, a wedding had been nowhere on Dustin’s radar.

A pained groan made him turn.

Charlie was still asleep but he’d rolled onto his back, flinging away some of the covers.

Dustin sighed.

He didn’t hate the sight of that. Charlie looked amazing, even in sleep.

Awake, he was full of fire and sass, but in his sleep, he looked sweet and soft.

The chiseled lines of his cheekbones and the cleft of his strong jaw were the perfect contrast to his long lashes and full, pouty lips.

Although his hair was cut shorter on the sides, it tumbled in little sun-streaked golden curls onto his forehead in a way that made Dustin want to wax nauseatingly romantic.

Charlie made another sleepy noise as he flung his hand onto his chest, a massive diamond winking on his ring finger.

Dustin let out another small sigh, his chest warming with affection at the sight.

Maybe they hadn’t planned this, but Dustin couldn’t deny how much he liked the idea of Charlie asleep in his bed wearing his wedding ring.

As Dustin glanced at the marriage certificate in his hand, he considered his options.

Sure, the league, the PR department for his team, and his agent might kill him … but on the other hand, he was pretty sure he was legally married to Charles Nicholas Monaghan III.

It could be worse.


Charlie woke in increments, slipping in and out of sleep, only vaguely aware of sensations.