Dustin kept trying to find a few moments alone with Charlie but it never quite happened. They were constantly interrupted, being pulled in too many directions, too many people wanting their attention to ever slip away unnoticed.
“I swear, I’m about to toss you over my shoulder and abscond with you,” Dustin muttered.
Charlie laughed softly. “You know that won’t stop them.”
“It won’t.” Dustin let out disgruntled noise. “And yet I’m still tempted to try.”
He brushed his thumb across Charlie’s back, where the skin was bare, and felt the answering shiver go through his body.
Charlie turned, tipping his head back to look up at him. He brushed his fingers across Dustin’s cheek, his gaze soft and warm. “It’s okay. We’ll have time alone when we’re home.”
“Yeah, about that,” Dustin said quietly. He leaned in so he was speaking directly in Charlie’s ear. “I want you to fuck me tonight. Keep the heels and the dress on. Would you be into that?”
Charlie let out a soft, surprised sound, curling a hand around the back of Dustin’s neck. “Yeah. If you are.”
“Kitten,” Dustin said roughly, pressing their bodies together as closely as they could get away with at an event like this. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
“Hey,” Jonah said, appearing at their sides, expression grave. “Dustin, sorry to interrupt but I need a moment with you, please. It’s important.”
“No worries.” Charlie stepped back, smiling at him. “I’ll go powder my nose.”
Dustin squeezed his hip in thanks, then turned his full attention on Jonah.
A frown wrinkled his forehead and his dark brown eyes were filled with concern.
“What is it?” Dustin urged.
“Have you seen Felix?”
“Not recently.” Dustin scrutinized Jonah, frowning. “I ran into him near the bar maybe an hour ago but that was the last time I saw him. Why?”
Jonah grimaced. “He’s been drinking a lot lately.”
“Tonight or in general?”
“In general,” Jonah said slowly. “But especially tonight. I’m worried about him. I’ve been keeping an eye on him but he disappeared about twenty minutes ago.”
“Well, he must be somewhere around here.” Dustin craned his neck to look around. “Didn’t you two ride together?”
They often did, since they lived in the same building downtown.
Jonah’s heavy black brows drew together. “Yeah.”
“I’m sure if he left, he called a ride share,” Dustin pointed out. “He’s one of the guys who always looks out for the rookies when we have a night out. I don’t think we have anything to worry about there.”
Jonah hesitated. “I don’t know. Something feels wrong to me. He hasn’t been himself lately. You know how meticulous he is about everything. But I showed up at his place today before we left and he wouldn’t let me in. Practically pushed me out the door but what I saw was … it looked like a tornado had gone through his place. Everything in total disarray. I don’t know, D, something has been off since he got back from Vancouver. He’s not handling this breakup well.”
“Damn.” Dustin frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. “I should have been paying more attention.”
A quick stab of regret mingled with disappointment in himself. Why wasn’t he able to be there for his team when they needed it?
Why couldn’t he seem to learn his damn lesson?
“It’s okay,” Jonah said as they pushed their way through the crowd. “I know you’ve been busy with Charlie. You should be enjoying your time with him.”
That was maybe an excuse for missing Nico’s issues or this thing with Felix but it didn’t excuse the shit he’d failed at with Boucher and Theriault.
“Yeah, well, I’m your captain. You should be able to count on me.” There was a trace of bitterness in his tone he couldn’t quite hide.