Hmm, maybe someday Charlie would strip for him. Thinking about him dancing at Matty’s party yesterday made Dustin sure he’d be damn good at it.
But for now, all Dustin could think about was how it had felt last night to watch Charlie settle onto his hands and knees, smirking over his shoulder with a sassy little wiggle of his ass.
“C’mon, fuck me. What are you waiting for?” he’d demanded.
Dustin had groaned and surged up to his knees, covering Charlie’s body with his own. He’d slicked himself a little, then pressed in carefully.
The first orgasm had dulled the edges of his need but the feel of Charlie—bare and hot around him for the first time—had still sent a powerful surge of desire through him, strong enough to make him grit his teeth as he’d eased inside.
It was a blur after that—not from too much alcohol this time but too much pleasure—and Dustin could only remember fragments of the night. His hands on Charlie’s narrow hips. Staring down in awe as he watched his cock sink in and slide out, glistening in the light.
He remembered fucking Charlie so hard he had to brace himself against one of the bedposts.
Dustin’s skin went hot as he thought about how it had felt, how it had looked to see his cum trickling from Charlie’s body, sliding down his thigh.
He’d never forget the gasp Charlie had let out when he’d pushed him onto his belly so he could spread his legs and clean him up with his tongue, working his way up to his hole.
Dustin remembered the heady feeling of slipping into the shower with Charlie after, washing him clean. Laughing as they stripped the bed and remade it together, bodies still damp as they tumbled onto the sheets again, kissing.
They’d eventually fallen asleep, exhausted and spent, but they’d woken again in the middle of the night.
Charlie had insisted he was fine, but Dustin had heard the little hiss he let out when Dustin worked his fingers inside him, so he’d flipped onto his back and coaxed Charlie to open him up instead.
The room had been too dark for him to see well, but he’d never forget the way Charlie had felt, driving into him, pushing his knee up against his chest. He’d treasure the little gasp Charlie had let out as he came.
It was the first time Dustin had ever let anyone fuck him bare. But it definitely wouldn’t be the last.
After, he’d buried his face against Charlie’s neck and twined their fingers together, breathing hard, as they slowly slipped into sleep again.
“Again?” Charlie whispered hoarsely and Dustin realized he was awake now and Dustin had been gently grinding their hips together, turned on by the memories of last night.
“Yeah, again,” Dustin said with a helpless little laugh.
Because how could he not want Charlie? He’d wanted him since the very first time he’d laid eyes on him and he had him now.
Dustin had no idea how long that would last and he was determined to take advantage of every moment he had in the meantime.
After morning sex, they showered together, discussing their plans for the day.
“I want to be lazy all day with you,” Dustin said as he leaned in and kissed Charlie, digging a hand into his wet hair and pinning him to the glass shower wall.
“Not too lazy, I hope.” The look Charlie gave him was incendiary and Dustin was quite sure if they hadn’t been standing under a showerhead, they’d have gone up in flames.
“I will do my best to keep you satisfied,” Dustin teased. “The flesh may grow weary but the spirit is always willing.”
Charlie grinned, slotting his leg between Dustin’s thighs, gently pressing against his balls until he groaned. “You seem to be doing okay to me.”
After their shower, Dustin toweled Charlie dry and made a nuisance of himself, trying to touch Charlie all over as he rubbed lotion on his skin.
Finally, Charlie shooed him out of the bathroom. “Go! Make yourself useful and cook breakfast or something,” he said playfully.
Dustin grinned, smacked him on the ass, and followed orders.
A while later, Charlie sauntered into the kitchen wearing nothing but a silky robe in swirling shades of hot pink, bright yellow, and electric blue.
Dustin turned off the burner, the eggs, toast, and turkey sausage ready to go. “Want to plate that up for us, kitten?” he asked. “I need to make your tea.”
He turned away, catching a glimpse of Charlie’s little smile. It made him smile too.