Page 85 of The Husband Game

“Yes. Listen to the man,” Birdie said as she walked by. “Before we’re all forced to watch something we definitely don’t want to see.”

“Just because you’ve been with Colton forever and are sick of him …” Charlie teased as he reached for a pair of shorts to throw on over his swim briefs. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want my man all over me.”

Birdie scoffed. “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I’ll have you know we had scorching-hot sex this morning. But you and Dustin are about to spontaneously combust and no one should have to put up with that.”

It was an adults-only party today so at least they weren’t corrupting small children or anything, but yeah, she had a point.

They had taken public sex off the table earlier, after all.

With a laugh and one backward glance at Dustin, who shot him a boyish grin, Charlie held out a hand to Matty and let himself be dragged out of the sunshine and into the cool, dim interior of the yacht’s open lounge area.

Music played and a small cluster of people danced to it. Charlie stopped to swipe another bottle of water off the bar and let himself be pulled into the dancing.

He couldn’t have Dustin yet but oh, it would be soon.

He was very tired of waiting.

* * *

Somehow, Dustin made it through the end of the party on Matty’s yacht.

It was a fun day, or at least Dustin was pretty sure it was. There was delicious food, drinks flowed, and the weather was perfect for a day out on the water.

He swam and danced and laughed with his friends but all he could think about was Charlie. About kissing him and tasting him and about having him in his arms again. He wanted Charlie falling apart around him, moaning his name.

He wanted to show Charlie exactly how good they could be together but instead he was forced to interact with his team and their partners.

He normally loved it but today he didn’t care about listening to Jordan yammer on about his golf swing and listen to Colton chirp them for the ‘old people music’ they played. He didn’t want to politely ask Natasha how Toronto’s baseball team was doing and talk to Birdie about her marketing classes.

He really, really didn’t want to hear Nico mope and bitch about how things were going with Skylar. They were always on-again, off-again and all drama.

But it was Matty’s thirty-second birthday party and Dustin wanted to be a good friend. A good captain.

He had a sudden, fierce urge to be selfish though. To swipe one of the jet skis Matty owned, grab Charlie, and make a run for it.

He didn’t want to float out in the middle of Lake Ontario. He wanted to be in his bedroom taking Charlie apart.

The staterooms of Matty’s yacht were closer but Dustin didn’t want anyone else to know what Charlie sounded like when he moaned.

He wanted that to be for his ears only.

Yeah, there had been guys before him. But not anymore.

In the future, Dustin wanted to be the only one to ever make Charlie cry out with pleasure. He felt crazed with it and if the amused looks Dom kept throwing at him were any indication, he wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding it.

But how could Dominic understand? He wasn’t married to someone like Charlie.

He wasn’t watching him dance with Birdie, Natasha, Colton, and Matty, his lean body twisting sinuously to the beat. Dom didn’t feel like his heart would beat right out of the cage of his ribs with need.

Want you, want you, want you was all Dustin could think.

It was late by the time the yacht finally pulled into the marina, the city lights twinkling in the dark sky.

There was a black town car waiting for them and Dustin fidgeted impatiently as Charlie kissed cheeks and hugged people and wished Matty one final cheery, “Happy Birthday!”

Dustin was probably rude as he tugged Charlie away from the crowd and bundled him into the car.

“We couldn’t have taken a simple Uber like we did on the way here?” Charlie asked with a laugh as he settled in.