A hard, sharp knock on the door and rattle of the knob ripped them from the quiet, private moment.
Dustin jerked in surprise and Charlie stepped back, straightening his clothing and fussing with his hair. Dustin glanced through the peephole as he unlocked the door.
He yanked it open with a glare. “What?” he snarled at Nico.
“Sorry to interrupt, man, but Felix lost his phone. Have you seen it?”
“No. We were in the middle of something,” Dustin said with a sigh.
Nico smirked as his gaze dropped below Dustin’s waist. “Oh, I can tell.”
“Let me check the couch,” Charlie said. “I know at one point Felix had his phone sitting on the arm of it. Maybe it fell down between the cushions or something.”
Dustin let out a sigh and stared up at the ceiling in annoyance as Nico pushed past him, following Charlie into the media room.
Dustin wanted to strangle every one of his teammates right now. He loved them, really he did, but he’d been about thirty seconds away from Charlie maybe kissing him because he actually wanted him and not for show.
Damn Nico for coming back to find the stupid device. Damn Felix for losing it in the first place. Damn his whole fucking team.
He suddenly wished he’d actually listened to Charlie when he pointed out it was weird people could walk in on them at any time.
Dustin could hear the quiet rise and fall of Charlie and Nico’s voices as they searched and he was still glowering when they returned, Felix’s phone clutched in Nico’s hand. He brandished it with a grin. “Found it.”
“Great. Get out,” Dustin growled.
“Some captain you are,” Nico teased, but he didn’t look too mad. “More concerned about getting off than helping your teammate. I see how it is.”
“Fuck off,” Dustin said with a twinge of guilt, but he was laughing now, annoyed and amused all at once.
Nico’s eyes danced. “I know, maybe you really aren’t taking care of your husband. That’s why you’re so frustrated. It’s been a really long time since you’ve been all scratched up by your kitten.”
“I hate you,” Dustin said. “You know that right?”
“Do you need some help satisfying him? You are getting kind of old, I guess. Maybe you need someone a little younger who can—”
“One more word out of you and I will actually murder you,” Dustin said as he shoved Nico out the door.
Nico laughed, tucking his blond hair behind his ear, his grin bright in the glow of the light by the front door.
“So you don’t want me to go give Felix his phone and come back? I think between the two of us we could—”
“Nico,” Charlie said sweetly. “I know I am too much to resist, but no way in hell are you invited to join us. Ever. Go away so I can blow my husband.”
Charlie shut the door in Nico’s face and Dustin turned, laughing. “Sorry about them.”
Charlie shrugged, his eyes sparkling. “They’re fun.”
“They’re something,” Dustin grumbled. He reached out, grasping Charlie’s hip to tug him forward. “Hey. Did you mean what you said?”
“Yes. I don’t care how hot Nico is, he’s not joining us.”
Dustin’s heart felt like it stopped and started several times as he tried to process it all. “No, that wasn’t what I meant.”
“I know.” Charlie bit his lip. “And I … I really do want to get down on my knees right now, Dustin. I do. And I feel like a horrible tease but …”
“But you’re not sure it’s a good idea,” Dustin finished, growing serious.
Charlie nodded. “Yeah.”