Page 73 of The Husband Game

“Nope.” Dustin reached for his wallet. “In fact, you should buy yourself something pretty for the event.”

“I already have a few things I could wear.”

Dustin shrugged and pulled out a card. “Treat yourself. Buy several cute things if you want. Cocktail and black tie appropriate. You’ve seen the event schedule Kate sent us for the upcoming season so you might as well be prepared.”

“Are you really suggesting I go on a shopping spree with your card?” Charlie asked, sounding a little skeptical. “I’ve hardly touched the spending money you already gave me.”

“Think of this as a thank-you for doing so well with social media posts. If you didn’t already have a job, I think Kate would snap you up in a minute for the team’s PR department.”

Charlie grinned. “Honestly, I find it kind of fun.”

“Good. But I mean it. I am incredibly grateful to you for everything you’ve done to keep this from becoming a messy scandal. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.” Dustin’s tone was earnest.

“I am glad it’s working for both of us,” Charlie said lightly. “And if you insist on sending me on a shopping spree, I suppose I can manage that.”

“I insist. Clothing. Shoes. Bags. All of the Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow palettes you want. Whatever your little heart desires.”

“Do I have a spending limit?” Charlie tipped his head back to look up at Dustin with a pretty wide-eyed expression.

He smirked. “I don’t think even you could bankrupt me. Though you certainly do have exquisite taste in diamonds and platinum.”

Charlie grinned down at his wedding rings, then glanced up again. “I am sure there are casinos somewhere around here.”

Dustin’s smirk became a wide grin as he tapped Charlie on the nose with the card. “No diamond solitaires. No gambling with my money. Otherwise, enjoy your shopping spree, kitten.”

Charlie filched the card from Dustin’s hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, sugar bear.”

“No problem. I look forward to seeing what you pick out.”

Charlie bit his lip and sidled a little closer. “Hey, Dustin, I …”

Dustin’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he stepped back, letting out a quiet curse. “Shit. Gotta go.”

“On-ice training today?” Charlie asked, turning away to put a little dollop of Greek yogurt on his oats.

“Yep. I’ll probably grab lunch with the guys after, then I have a commercial to record.”

“Have fun.”

“You too. Enjoy your first day at work.”

Charlie’s smile was brilliant. “Thanks.”

Dustin hesitated, wanting to kiss Charlie but knowing he probably wouldn’t welcome it when no one else was around. “And call if you need anything, okay? Anything at all.”

“I will.” Charlie dumped some fresh fruit in his bowl. “I’m sure I’ll be fine though.”

“You’re going to knock their socks off.”

There was a honk of a vehicle outside and, reluctantly, Dustin tore himself away from Charlie and went out to meet Matty, whose Jeep was idling in his driveway.

“Oh God,” Matty said with a laugh as Dustin climbed in. “You have that stupid look on your face again. Lemme guess, Charlie?”

“Charlie,” Dustin said with a sigh. “Definitely Charlie.”

He replayed their conversation in his head, smiling at the realization they were getting more comfortable with each other. Charlie had even used a silly nickname when no one was around.

But Dustin’s smile fell as he wondered what Charlie had been about to tell him before he realized he was running late.