“And you’re drop-dead gorgeous and great in the kitchen.” Dustin stepped closer. “How’s that fair?”
“Not everyone can be as amazing as me,” Charlie said breezily. “Though I will say your tea-making skills are excellent for someone who doesn’t drink it.”
“I looked tips up online,” Dustin admitted.
Charlie laughed, his blue eyes sparkling. “Well, aren’t you sweet?”
“Seems like the least I can do.”
Charlie was quiet as he took a bowl out of the cupboard and spooned some oats into it before he turned to face Dustin. “Hey. I don’t hate this, you know?”
“Yeah?” Dustin leaned in, daring to reach out and grasp Charlie’s hip to tug him a little closer.
“Yeah.” Charlie glanced at him through his lashes. “Living with you has been pretty okay so far.”
“Good.” Dustin rubbed his thumb across the rise of bone there, the fabric of his clothing soft under Dustin’s touch. “Maybe in time I’ll be able to upgrade it to good.”
Charlie’s lips curved in a smile. “I’ll give you a hint. You’re closer than you think.”
“Glad to hear it.” Dustin’s eyes widened. “Oh, before I forget, we have a party to go to in a couple of weeks.”
“Yeah?” Charlie arched an eyebrow at him.
“Yes. Matty’s birthday. He has a big boat and we’ll all go out on Lake Ontario for the day.”
“So, casual wear?”
“Sure. Word of warning though, when I say boat, it’s a yacht.”
Charlie’s eyebrows rose.
Dustin laughed and shrugged. “It was a post-divorce ‘I’m feeling like shit about myself and my life’ splurge.”
“That’s a hell of a splurge. The last time I got dumped I bought an Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Palette and I thought I was overindulging.”
Dustin laughed. He had no idea what those cost but it probably couldn’t compare to a hundred-foot yacht. “In Matty’s defense, he loves being out on the water and he uses the boat a ton during the summer and rents it out some for events, which kinda offsets the cost.”
“Hey, good for him,” Charlie said with a shrug. “It’s a little uh, more extravagant than I expected for a birthday party though, you know?”
Dustin nodded. “Yeah, that’s why I warned you. The good news is, the party itself will be casual. It’s adults only. There will be plenty of booze and dancing and swimming. But it’s only some people on the team and their wives and girlfriends, so despite the location, it won’t be much different from the pool party we had after you arrived.”
“Okay. Sounds fun.”
“And before I forget, there’s also an event in October I keep meaning to tell you about. It’s being held at the Hendersons’ mansion. The Hendersons are the majority owners of the team and it’ll be a big party with some of the board members and bigwigs. I should have let you know sooner. I keep forgetting to put it on our shared calendar though.”
Charlie shrugged. “Mmm, I’d appreciate it in the future but no harm done.”
“What’s the dress code?” Charlie asked in a teasing tone. “I’m assuming pretty upscale since it’s it at a mansion.”
“Cocktail attire. I’ll wear a suit but not a tux.”
“Any limits on what I wear?”
“No?” Dustin gave him a puzzled frown.
“Like, if I show up in a cute little cocktail dress is that going to be an issue with the owner?”