Page 71 of The Husband Game

“Exactly. So, Dallas Sutton and I played together in the Olympics and kept in touch after. We don’t see each other a lot but we usually grab a drink after a game or whatever when we play each other. But he sent this message yesterday absolutely tearing into me about how shitty the code of conduct is and that guys like me are ruining the game.”

“Makes you wonder what guys like that are afraid of, doesn’t it?” Charlie said drily.

Dustin winced. “I hadn’t thought about it that way but you do have a point.”

“I mean, I could be wrong,” Charlie said. “Maybe this Dallas guy is just kind of a dick but it seems like if you’re really that against someone cleaning up the league, you must be a little afraid of what they’re going to find out about you.”

Dustin let out a sigh. “God, that makes this even worse. It was hard enough to think that someone I thought was a nice guy was suddenly spewing all of this vitriol at me for no apparent reason, but now I wonder what kind of a guy Dallas really is.”

Charlie stepped forward, wincing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean …”

“No, don’t apologize,” Dustin said. “I think you could be right. I just hadn’t considered it.”

“It’s never easy to have someone you thought was a friend turn on you.” Charlie let out a little sigh. “I had that happen once too. This guy I knew through skating, he totally turned his back on me once I started pushing what I could get away with in competitions. I think in his case, he wanted distance from me because people might think that he was gay.”

“Do you think he was?”

“Oh yeah,” Charlie said with a roll of his eyes. “Definitely. Which is what makes me think your so-called-friend is in a similar position.”

“Only he probably has actual skeletons in his closet,” Dustin said with a sigh.

“Hopefully not.” Charlie shot him a sympathetic smile. “But yeah, maybe.”

“Anyway, thanks for listening,” Dustin said.

“Yeah, of course.”

“Excited about your first day at work?” Dustin asked as Charlie turned away to fix himself oatmeal.

Charlie nodded, beaming over his shoulder. “I am. It’ll be nice to get back to working.”

“What time will you be done today?”

Charlie hummed. “Around four-thirty, I think, but I’m meeting Birdie and Natasha for drinks after. They wanted to celebrate my first day.”

“Sounds nice.” He was glad to see Charlie was getting along well with the WAGs, or whatever they were calling themselves now.

“I won’t stay super long though or have too much to drink,” Charlie said, like he was worried Dustin would be upset by the idea of Charlie going out.

“Well, you should enjoy yourself. I was going to go over to Matty’s for a bit and hang out with him but if you need a ride home, let me know. Or contact the car service I use. I gave you all of the info, didn’t I?”

“Yes.” Charlie shot him a fleeting smile. “Thanks. I promise I’ll be careful.”

“I can make dinner for us,” Dustin offered. “And we can eat whenever you get home, if you want.”

Charlie had cooked the night before. He’d made really delicious sweet potato and black bean burrito bowls with brown rice.

It was definitely a step up from what Dustin usually made for himself and his nutritionist would definitely approve.

Charlie glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, you don’t have to.”

“Are you slamming my boring grilled chicken breast?” Dustin teased. “I’ll have you know that’s my specialty.”

Charlie laughed and shot him a little wink. “Maaaaybe.”


“You’re handsome, honey, you don’t have to be a good cook.” Charlie flicked off the burner.