The emphasis was suddenly on that rather than where it really belonged, on guys like Jack Malone, who were abusers.
It made Dustin a little crazy and it increased the pressure for him and Charlie to keep the public thinking their relationship was legit.
The beep of a horn outside made him glance at his watch and he realized Matty was already here to pick him up for the round of golf they had planned. He gathered his belongings, snagged his golf bag from the garage, and booked it out to Matty’s Jeep.
“So,” Matty said after he was buckled in. “How’s it going with Charlie?”
Dustin gave him a quizzical look. “Good. Why?”
Matty shrugged, peeling away from the curb with a squeal of his Jeep’s tires. “Just wanted to check. You guys are coming to my birthday party, right? We’re spending all day out on the boat and I need a headcount for the caterers.”
Dustin cursed under his breath. “Shit, I keep forgetting to talk to Charlie. Between getting him settled in and his interview for the new job and everything, it’s been a lot.”
“Sure, okay, man. I know you two are too busy lovin’ it up to actually talk.”
Dustin hid a wince. God, he wished.
He was trying to be respectful of what Charlie wanted but holy shit.
It was some kind of torture to watch a gorgeous man parade half-naked around the bedroom, then sleep beside him every night. Dustin might have sounded blasé about it when he told Charlie to make himself at home but he’d underestimated how much he wanted Charlie.
And seeing him flit around, naked or barely dressed, was a serious test of Dustin’s willpower. He fell asleep every night with Charlie on the far side of the bed, but he woke up most mornings with Charlie curled around him, sweet and soft.
They both slept in briefs, but Charlie had a tendency to toss the covers half-off in the night and Dustin couldn’t count the number of times he’d lain awake, waiting for the alarm to go off, staring at the ceiling and trying not to think about the sweet curve of Charlie’s ass or all of that soft pale-gold skin he wanted to touch.
Matty glanced over and let out a little hoot. “God you are gone on him.”
“A little bit,” Dustin agreed with a wistful sigh and that wasn’t even a lie at all.
“Ahh, I remember those days. Courtney and I barely left the bedroom after we got married so I don’t know how you have any energy for workouts or training right now, dude.” Matty made a face. “Of course, we know how that turned out for me.”
Matty and Courtney had burned hot and fast but, in the end, they hadn’t had much to sustain the marriage and it had ended quickly.
“You’ll find someone better,” Dustin assured Matty, patting his thigh. “I’m sure of it.”
“Hope so.”
“You could always start dating men. Worked out pretty well for me.”
Matty’s ears turned a little pink. “That was one time. One really dumb threesome that made Courtney decide to leave me because she couldn’t picture herself with a ‘guy like that.’”
His tone was derisive but hurt lurked underneath.
“You said it was hot,” Dustin pointed out. Though he felt a little bad he’d brought up a sore subject.
“It was hot but …” Matty squirmed. “Doesn’t mean I want to date guys and deal with all of the bullshit that comes along with it.”
“True,” Dustin agreed. “And if it doesn’t work for you, no pressure. I’m just saying maybe it’s worth thinking about.”
“Maybe.” Matty let out a sigh. “I dunno. Anyway, don’t forget to tell Charlie about the party.”
“I won’t.” Dustin pulled out his phone and made a note to do it tonight. “I’d text him now but he’s at his new office, filling out HR paperwork and stuff. He starts next Monday.”
“How many strings did you pull?”
“None!” Dustin protested. “Well, just making sure the visa shit went through as quickly as possible. The rest of it was all him. It’s the same firm he worked for in Chicago. His former boss got him the interview here. As far as I know, he was totally hired on his own merit. Which I’m not surprised by. He’s very talented.”
“You get the most ridiculous look on your face when you talk about him.”