Page 55 of The Husband Game

She reached for a business card, scrawling a number on the back. “This is my personal cell if you need to get ahold of me urgently, Charlie. I’m rarely away from my work cell anyway but this is a guaranteed way to contact me. Don’t hesitate to use it in case of emergencies.”

“Well, hopefully we won’t have any of those,” Charlie said, but he took the card and tucked it carefully into his leather bag.

As they made small talk on their way out, Charlie and Kate fell into step, talking quietly while Dustin brought up the rear.

He admired Charlie’s ability to make conversation with anyone. He skillfully managed to turn the conversation around to Kate and her husband and family and by the time they reached the players’ entrance, Kate looked far more relaxed.

She shook Charlie’s hand again, her smile sincere. “It’s great to meet you, Charlie. Thanks for coming in today. I am sure getting settled in must be a nightmare but let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that,” Charlie’s smile looked equally sincere.

Dustin thanked Kate too and gently touched Charlie’s back to guide him toward the parking lot.

Once they’d reached Dustin’s vehicle, he turned to look at Charlie. “You are incredible.”

“Thank you.” Charlie looked amused.

“No, I mean it. You really are … amazing.”

A little smile curled up the corner of Charlie’s mouth. “You’re not so bad yourself. I was thinking while we’re out, we could maybe go out and do something?”

“Yeah?” Dustin asked, surprised but pleased. “Like a date?”

“Well, yeah.” Charlie sidled a little closer, smiling up at him as he placed his hand on Dustin’s chest. “We haven’t done too much lately and we need to show off our relationship to the public more.”

Right. Keeping up appearances.

Dustin hid a wince as those words made him swing from euphoria to disappointment in about two seconds flat.

The only time he’d crashed so hard was when what had looked like his game-winning goal in the final minutes of a tight playoff game had been called a no goal by the refs because it hadn’t quite crossed the line into the net.

“Sorry, I can’t.” He shot Charlie a tight smile, hoping it looked more sincere than it felt. “I have an interview to do, remember?”

“Oh, right. Maybe another day.” Charlie patted his chest and stepped back.

“Sure,” Dustin said, that little aching twinge of hurt and disappointment lingering. “Another day, kitten.”


The next few weeks passed quickly and although Charlie had worried he’d be bored, he had plenty to do.

He did a little shopping for some necessities he’d forgotten and tried to familiarize himself with Toronto. He had lunch with Birdie, Elena, and Natasha one day and discussed volunteer opportunities with Elena.

He was officially in possession of a shiny new Jeep Wrangler to use for the duration as well.

Charlie hadn’t had a vehicle in Chicago since he quit skating. He’d already been struggling financially and what was the point of paying for one when he could take the train from Evanston wherever he needed to go.

Besides, Taylor’d had a car and had happily loaned it to him when he urgently needed it to cart stuff around for work.

But Dustin had been extremely generous and leased him something cute but roomy enough to hold samples and small pieces of art or furniture. Charlie had even been able to pick out the color he wanted.

Dark pink, of course.

Charlie felt a little guilty about his sudden good fortune.

All he’d really done lately was post a bunch of stupid things on social media making it sound like he and Dustin were blissfully married and in exchange he now had a bank account with more money than he really knew how to spend.

But when he tried to thank Dustin, he brushed it off and said it was the least he could do, considering what Charlie had given up for him.