Page 47 of The Husband Game

“There are some other things I was wondering about. We have some, uh, business stuff to take care of soon, right? Like meeting with the lawyer and figuring out bank accounts and all that.”

“Yes. You need the lump sum we agreed you’d get immediately.”

“It isn’t for anything bad, I promise,” Charlie said, quietly.

That had been a point of contention during the negotiations with Wade. He’d been concerned it could lead to more of a PR problem but Charlie hadn’t wanted to discuss the specifics. Dustin had agreed to it without hesitation even though Wade had looked uncomfortable about the whole thing.

Was it a little weird? Sure.

But Dustin could understand why Charlie might not want to spill every detail of his personal life to two people he barely knew.

Charlie looked down at his hands. “I needed some help during a rough period and Taylor’s parents gave me a loan to help me through it.”

“Thanks for telling me. I’m not trying to pry into your life,” Dustin said carefully. “But I would like to get to know you, Charlie. And not because we need to look like a happy couple. I hope by the end of this we can at least be friends.”

He’d like a whole lot more but if that was as far as it ever went, he’d feel lucky to have that.

Charlie’s smile was tentative. “I … yeah, that would be good.”

Dustin looked away, clearing his throat. “Right. So, this week we’ll meet with the lawyer to sign the post-nup and go to the bank. Oh, and you’ll need a car while you’re here too.” He frowned. “Or you can drive one of mine? If you want. Up to you.”

“You’d just … buy me a car?” Charlie raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll probably lease it and there’s a limit on what kind of car, but yes.”

“So no Lamborghinis?” Charlie asked breezily, though Dustin could tell he was kidding.

Dustin laughed. “Probably not. But you can borrow mine.”

“You actually have one?” Charlie blinked, very wide-eyed.

Dustin laughed. “No. I was teasing. I do have two vehicles though. One’s a big SUV that handles well in the winter, and the other is a smaller sporty car. If you want, you can use the car now and we can discuss options for a new vehicle for you come winter.”

Charlie nodded. “As tempted as I am to go for something sporty, a hatchback or crossover might be best for me. Design work means carting around décor and sample books and all sorts of stuff.”

“Sure. Whatever works best for you. We’ll figure that out as it comes. The appointment with the lawyer is tomorrow afternoon and we’ll go to the bank after. Plus I’ll give you the spare set of keys to my car in the meantime. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped here in the house. What about your job?”

“I emailed my boss in Chicago this morning and I’m waiting to hear back. I can’t imagine she’ll be happy with me leaving …” Charlie let out a laugh. “But the firm does have an office here in Toronto. So hopefully my boss will be willing to get me an in there. I, uh, hope you don’t mind but I kinda leaned on your name in the email. Said you were interested in a remodel on your place and I’d have connections to other people in the hockey world here …”

“No, that’s perfect,” Dustin assured him. “I’m glad you did. I’m happy to work with them on this place, and you should network with the uh, other spouses and partners.”

“Did you call me a SAP?”

Dustin grinned. “I feel like this is a no-win scenario whatever I say.”

Charlie’s eyes twinkled. “Smart man.”

Dustin had to look away before he leaned in and kissed Charlie.

Damn, if only he could.

He cleared his throat instead.

“If for any reason the job thing doesn’t work out, let me know. I’ll see if I have any connections or connections who have connections.”


“You don’t have to thank me, Charlie.” Dustin held out a hand and to his surprise, Charlie took it. He squeezed, telling him thank you without words. “You’re doing me a huge favor and I know you’re giving up a lot to make it happen. Let’s try to work together to make it go as smoothly as possible.”