Page 40 of The Husband Game

She beamed. “Yep. I’m Birdie22 on there. Cause that’s Colton’s jersey number. Ridiculously codependent, I know but …” She gave a sheepish little shrug and rolled her eyes.

“I’ll have to make sure I am following you back,” Charlie said with a grin as he pulled out his phone and searched for her name. “There. Done!”

“You used to be a figure skater though, right?” Birdie asked. “Before you got into design.”

Charlie froze, then pasted a smile on. “Yeah, but that seems like a million-billion years ago and it’s terribly boring, I’m afraid.” He stood, dusting off the back of his shorts. “Sorry to dash, ladies, but I need to grab a water and I should check in with my hubby and see if he needs anything.”

He drifted off from the cluster of women to do as he’d said and awkwardly sidled up to Dustin, who stood talking with Matty and Jordan.

“Uh, hey,” he said hesitantly.

“Hey, kitten.” Dustin gave him a warm smile. He looked good today. Relaxed in his black swim shorts and flip-flops. “You doing okay?” He reached out, snagging Charlie’s belt loop to tug him closer.

“Yeah.” Charlie settled against his side, trying to relax and look natural. “I’m good. Just wanted to mingle. See if you needed anything.”

“Nope, I’m set. Everyone being nice to you?”

“Everyone has been great.”

“So, Charlie,” Matty asked. “How did D here propose?”

“Uhh.” Charlie cleared his throat. Shit. He didn’t really remember the proposal part of the evening very well. He could tell Dustin’s teammates every position they’d used in bed, but the earlier part of the evening was rather blurry. “Well …”

He still wasn’t a hundred percent sure how they were playing this. They really should have gotten their stories straight before they went out in public.

Of course, they hadn’t really had much of a chance once Matty barged in and planned a party.

“We were in the jewelry store,” Dustin said with a sheepish grin. “I wanted to buy Charlie something pretty and sparkly and I saw this amazing ring and well, I knew it was a sign. I dropped to one knee right then and there.”

His hand was warm on Charlie’s hip, his fingers dipping below the waistband of Charlie’s shorts, a tickling little brush that sent a jolt of heat through Charlie’s body.

“I said, ‘Will you marry me, Charlie Monaghan?’” Dustin grinned over at him. “I’d already told him I wanted to keep him forever.”

Charlie felt a jolt go through him. He did remember that part now.

But what Dustin had said was a lie, wasn’t it?

No one ever wanted to keep him in their lives. Except for Taylor. And besties didn’t count.

Besides, Taylor had Jamie and Ava now and it was time Charlie went off on his own instead of hanging around like a sad little third wheel.

Dustin and Toronto certainly weren’t Charlie’s forever home but at least it would give him a chance to strike off on his own and be a little independent for once. Maybe someday he’d figure out where he belonged.

“Charlie?” Dustin sounded concerned. “You okay there, kitten?”

Charlie shook his head, realizing he’d missed part of the conversation.

“Sorry.” He laughed lightly. “Still a little messed up from the time change and late-night flight, I think. What was it you were asking, sugar plum?”

The look Dustin gave him was knowing. “Oh, I was saying I was going to go get more food. You want anything?”

“Nope, I’m good.” His stomach was in knots and he’d barely choked down half of what he’d tried to eat earlier. He’d tossed the rest in the trash when no one was looking. It wasn’t great, he knew that, but he was way too tense to manage anything else today.

He’d get on a better schedule next week, once he was settled in. He couldn’t let the stress linger for too long or he’d risk spiraling into bad habits again.

“Okay.” Dustin squeezed his side, then pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Lemme know if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” Charlie said, suppressing a shiver when Dustin trailed his fingers across the exposed skin between Charlie’s shorts and top, then stepped away.