“Uh, right now or in general?”
Charlie took a deep breath. “In general. Between us.”
Dustin shifted back, concerned. “Um, okay. Obviously if you’re not into it, you’re not into it, and that’s your call. But can I ask a question?”
“I have to be honest, I’m a little confused.” He scratched his head, then pushed his hair out of his eyes. “The sex we had was pretty fucking electric last night—two nights ago? Whatever night that was—so I’m sort of lost about where this no-sex thing is coming from.”
“It was … look, it was great. But it’s—it’s already complicated between us, right?” Charlie asked.
“I guess.”
“So I’m thinking maybe sex will make it more complicated.”
“Look, please don’t take this as me trying to pressure you,” Dustin said. “I don’t want to be that asshole. But I went into this thinking we were at least compatible that way. Which would make the rest of this year a hell of a lot easier.”
“We are compatible in the bedroom. But …” Charlie went quiet, his face scrunching up. “Look, I’ve spent a lot of my life making really bad choices when it comes to men. And sex is where it starts.”
Dustin frowned. Did this have something to do with what Jamie had warned him about?
“I can understand that. But I have to point out the horse is already out of the barn there. We got drunk married in Vegas and fucked ourselves stupid. Is it really going to get worse if we keep sleeping together?”
Charlie’s swallow was audible and he sat upright, facing away from Dustin, who resisted the urge to smooth a hand down Charlie’s narrow back and over the sharp jut of his shoulder blades.
“It could for me. It could get really bad for me actually.”
What does that mean? Dustin thought, frustrated and helpless. Clearly this has to do with what Jamie warned me about, but what the hell is it?
“Okay,” he said slowly. “You don’t owe me an explanation but I’d like to understand so I can support you.”
“I know. And I appreciate that but there’s nothing you can do. I … there are some things I’ve been through, that I’m dealing with the aftermath of now, and if I’m not careful, it could get ugly as hell. I don’t want to have that happen again.”
So clearly Dustin was going to be in the dark about what it actually was. He couldn’t make Charlie talk. Maybe all he could do was give him time and hope he’d open up eventually.
“So, no sex until our divorce is final?” he clarified.
“Well, not with me anyway.”
Dustin blinked. “Who the hell else would I be having sex with?”
Charlie turned to face him. “I don’t know. That’s your call. You have permission to fuck whomever you want. It’s not like we have to actually be faithful to each other.”
“Umm.” Dustin sat upright, squinting. “I was actually planning on that. We’re married, Charlie. I’m not gonna screw around with random people.”
Charlie shrugged. “You’d have to be discreet, obviously. But if you haven’t been outed before, clearly you can handle that.”
“I know the wedding didn’t really mean anything, but I really don’t feel good about fucking other people while we’re legally married.”
“Then I guess you’re gonna be jerking off a lot.”
Dustin groaned. “I guess so.”
“Look, if I can give up my entire fucking life in Chicago to come do this for you, you can do this for me.”