“Hi, Ava.” Dustin had never heard Charlie sound so soft.
Charlie knelt down—a rather impressive feat in those heels—and held his arms out for a hug. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to go to Disney with you.”
Ava pouted again. “I wanted to see the princesses with you.”
“I know. We’ll have to go another time.”
Guilt washed over Dustin again. But thankfully, Ava was easily distracted.
“Did you wear something pretty for your wedding? I wanna see pictures.”
“I didn’t really dress up.”
“Cause it was ’pont-ain-e-us?”
Charlie laughed. “Yeah. Cause it was spontaneous.”
“Ooh, but your ring is pretty.” Ava played with it, watching it sparkle in the light. “Daddy, can I have one?”
Jamie choked out a laugh. “Uh, no, Bear. That’s a very expensive ring and I don’t think they make them in your size. When you’re grown up, maybe.”
Ava frowned but Charlie gathered her in a hug. “Okay, Ava, I have to get going. Dustin and I have a flight to catch.”
“I’m gonna miss you, Charlie,” she said, her words muffled by Charlie’s shoulder.
Charlie sighed. “I’m gonna miss you too, kid.”
“But we’ll do video chats,” Taylor assured her. “And you can be there for some of them.”
“And we can visit,” Jamie said. “For sure when the Otters have an away game in Toronto, I’ll fly you and Taylor up there and you can stay a little while. And maybe we can figure out another time before the season even starts.”
“Ohh, okay.”
Charlie extracted himself from Ava’s hug. “You say goodbye to Dustin before we go.”
Ava ran up and Dustin gave her another hug and a noisy, smacking kiss on the cheek. She giggled like she always did and he set her down again.
“Bye, Uncle Dustin.”
“Bye, cutie.”
“I could use a hug too,” Jamie said.
He didn’t sound terribly friendly about it but the hug was warm enough.
“Remember what I said, man,” Jamie reminded Dustin under his breath as he drew back.
Dustin nodded. “I will.”
He waited while Charlie and Taylor said their goodbyes. They clung to each other for a long time and Dustin looked away for a moment, feeling like he was intruding.
“Be safe,” Taylor said when he finally pulled away.
“I will.” Charlie smiled brightly. “Love you all. Talk to you soon.”
Charlie’s smile fell as the door closed behind them, but he squared his shoulders and lifted his chin.