Dustin remembered Charlie laughing a lot as he browsed through a case of flowers at the chapel. Dustin squinting to fill out the form. Handing over his credit card again. Their vows. The cool metal band Charlie had slipped on his finger, then the feel of Charlie’s lips against his, igniting every nerve in his body.
“And no one there suggested it was a bad idea to get married when you’re drunk?”
“I think there might have been some paperwork to that effect but we weren’t falling down drunk or anything, just, you know, feeling good. Or maybe we appeared more sober than we were. I don’t know. But honestly, isn’t that kinda what Vegas is all about?”
“Drunken bad decisions?” Jamie asked dubiously.
“More or less.”
“I suppose.”
“Anyway, after we said our vows, we ended up by the fountain at the Bellagio. Took pictures. Charlie was laughing when I told him I was going to post them online but when I hesitated, he did it for me. And then we, uh, headed back to my hotel.”
“You can spare me the details,” Jamie said drily.
Dustin kept his mouth shut because he didn’t want to share those memories with anyone. But he couldn’t stop thinking about how Charlie had felt in bed.
His mouth sweet, his skin soft, his entire body trembling in Dustin’s arms as they both came. Dustin could still taste the salt on Charlie’s skin and remember how he’d looked, rising and falling over Dustin’s cock.
Pretty and sweet and eager and all his.
No matter how long he lived, Dustin was sure he’d never forget it.
Dustin turned to face Jamie. “Look, I know it was … stupid and impulsive but I like Charlie. A lot. I didn’t expect anything to happen this way but he’s agreed to stay married to me and it’ll be good for both of us, I think.”
“And you’re doing it for the league?”
“Yeah, that’s part of it. And my reputation. But the big thing is the code of conduct. We have to get it passed, Jamie.”
Jamie sighed. “I get how important that is. But are you sure this isn’t mostly because you have a massive crush on Charlie?”
Dustin shrugged. “I … it’s complicated.”
“Because I love you, man, but you have a nasty habit of falling hard and fast for people, then getting bored with them in a few months. And that is the kind of shit I won’t let you pull on Charlie.”
“Well, we’re married. I have to keep him around for at least a year. My lawyer wrote up a contract and everything,” Dustin joked.
Jamie closed his eyes, looking pained. “Yeah, no. You can’t do that to Charlie.”
Irritated, Dustin snapped, “He’s a grown-ass adult. Maybe both of us were under the influence when we said, ‘I Do’ but we were sober and clear-eyed this afternoon when we discussed the terms of the post-nup. Charlie will get plenty of money for the disruption, then he can go do whatever the fuck he wants with his life.”
“I’m glad he’ll be getting something out of this, but I worry it’s for the wrong reasons.”
“Did you not hear me point out he’s a grown-ass adult? Why are you treating him like he’s your kid? He’s smart and he can handle himself.”
“I’m not trying to treat him like a kid—mine or anyone else’s. And of course he’s smart and can handle himself. I … look, Dustin, you don’t know what Charlie’s been through. He’s … he seems tough but there’s a lot of shit in his past that really hurt him. It’s his story to tell, not mine, but trust me when I say Charlie will do his best to hide how much he’s struggling and by the time you realize it, it may be too late. Just … don’t let it be too late.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
Jamie grimaced. “I can’t say more without betraying his confidence. I’m sorry.”
“How am I supposed to look out for him without knowing what I’m looking out for?” Dustin asked, irritated.
He was glad Jamie and Taylor cared so much for Charlie, but this was stupid.
“I’m sorry. I know this is probably confusing as hell. I just want you to be careful with him.”
“I will be,” Dustin promised.