His agent smiled at them over the rim of his beer glass. “When we sat in that Vegas hotel room and talked about all of the ways this situation could go, we agreed the best-case scenario was—”
“Charlie and I falling in love and living happily ever after,” Dustin finished.
“Maybe I should have laid a bet on it,” Wade said, his eyes twinkling. “Because it looks like I would have won.”
“Nah,” Dustin said, smiling at Charlie. “I think we all did.”
* * *
“Hey. What do you say we get out of here?” Dustin asked a while later.
Charlie shivered. Dustin was curled around his body, lips tickling the shell of his ear, his hands hot and possessive on Charlie’s hips as they swayed to the music.
“I’d say yes.” Charlie twisted so they faced each other.
Dustin let out a heated little growl and Charlie smiled because Dustin was very fired up tonight.
“C’mon, let’s find your coat.”
After they’d unearthed their coats, it took a little while for them to edge their way out of the party. People kept stopping, wanting to talk, and Charlie could feel Dustin getting antsy.
Truthfully, he was too.
“Sorry, gotta go,” he said as he grabbed Dustin’s hand and pushed his way past a few people who wanted to stop and talk. “We’re newlyweds. You understand!”
Laughter followed them out of the back exit of the bar and Charlie found himself on a metal staircase leading down to a small parking lot.
Whoops, hopefully they hadn’t set off any alarms.
“Nicely done,” Dustin said with a laugh as he followed Charlie down the stairs, their breath puffing out in white clouds in the crisp November air. “I’m gonna get chirped about that for the rest of eternity.”
“I’d say I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re actually mad.”
“Hell, no. I’ll never complain about you wanting to get me alone. Sometimes, I’m still amazed you ever agreed to marry me.”
Charlie shook his head, smiling. “Don’t be ridiculous, darling. We’re per—made for each other.”
No more worrying about perfection.
“I love hearing you talk like that.”
They’d reached the concrete below so Charlie spun, pushing Dustin back against the brick building. “If I could, I’d blow you right now.”
“Why can’t you?” Dustin gave him a lopsided smile. “I’m certainly not stopping you.”
“Because I’m being sensible,” he said with an aggravated sigh. “And Wade and Kate don’t need any more scandals from us.”
Dustin shrugged. “I dunno. The first one worked out pretty well.”
“It did,” Charlie said with a laugh. “But I’d rather go back to Jamie and Taylor’s and blow you there, where we have lube you can use to fuck me after.”
Dustin fished something out of his suit jacket pocket. “But I came prepared.”
Charlie squinted at the packet. The streetlight was far enough away he could barely see it but it was either lube or ketchup.
“You’re a real Boy Scout,” Charlie said drily. “But I’m putting my foot down.”
“Oh fine.” Dustin let out a little huff but he didn’t actually seem annoyed. “We’re not going to Jamie’s though. That’s at least a forty-minute ride and we’ll be lucky to get a car anywhere around here at this hour. C’mon, I have a better idea.”