Page 19 of The Husband Game

Dustin could remember wrapping his arms around Charlie’s slight but strong body, Charlie’s tongue in his mouth as they moved together.

“He said he was feeling too warm and wanted to leave. I grabbed a bottle of water for him and closed out the tab and we left the club …”

It got hazy after that but Dustin remembered Charlie standing on the sidewalk, hip cocked to one side as he guzzled down the water, throat bobbing as he swallowed. The cool desert night air had felt good on Dustin’s warm, flushed skin.

He’d worn a suit and his jacket had come off while they were dancing. But when Charlie had shivered on the sidewalk, Dustin had draped the jacket around Charlie’s shoulders to keep him warm.

Charlie had tugged it close, looking up at him with big eyes and a sweet smile and Dustin had leaned in to kiss him again.

“We, uh, we wandered for a while. Walking down The Strip. There’s this shopping area. It’s open 24 hours because … Vegas, I guess.”

Jamie huffed out a laugh.

“We were sort of window shopping but mostly walking and talking. There was a jewelry store and Charlie’s eyes lit up. He was talking about how sparkly and pretty everything was. He said he was sad no one loved him and bought him pretty things. So, I … I offered to buy him something.”

Dustin liked spoiling the people he was with and even if they weren’t together, Charlie had looked so, so cute, staring wide-eyed at the sparkling gems.

“He argued. He said he couldn’t accept it. We weren’t together and he’d promised he’d never accept gifts from someone who didn’t want to keep him forever.” Dustin licked his suddenly dry lips. “So I told him I’d keep him forever.”

“What the fuck, Dustin?” Jamie’s tone was incredulous.

“I know.” He sighed. “It was stupid but I was … God, you know what he’s like, Jamie. Those big sad eyes and in that moment, I … I meant it. I wanted to give him everything right then. I wanted to keep him.”

It was embarrassing to admit but it was true. He’d been drunk but he’d been so drawn to Charlie.

“So you bought him an engagement ring?” Jamie’s tone was dubious.

Dustin turned away from Jamie, facing the window. The sun was going down, slipping behind the mountains and bathing the city in a red-gold glow, artificial lights beginning to gleam.

“That wasn’t my original plan, no. We were being silly. Charlie kept arguing, telling me I couldn’t buy him something. I didn’t mean what I’d said. He dared me, I think.”

“And you’ve never met a dare you can resist.” Jamie’s tone was dry.

“I do love a challenge.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“We went in the store and were browsing around. I told Charlie to pick whatever he wanted.”

“Smart choice.”

Dustin shrugged. He could afford it. And he’d loved watching Charlie browse the otherwise deserted store, skipping along in his heels, holding Dustin’s hand and tugging him to follow.

“We were having fun and when he stopped at the engagement rings, the clerk came over. She asked if we were interested in looking at them and I said yes. She brought them out and Charlie tried them on. He went for the biggest, shiniest one and he looked at me like he was daring me to say no. So I picked it up and …”

Dustin rubbed his neck, remembering.

“I dropped to one knee, right there in the store and said, ‘Charlie Monaghan, will you marry me?’”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Jamie said with an exhausted sigh.

Dustin made a face at Jamie’s reflection in the window. “Probably. But he squealed and threw his arms around my neck and said ‘yes’. So I bought it. Along with a band for me.”

“And then the two of you merrily skipped off to a wedding chapel?”


That part was still a bit blurry too.