“Charlie …” Dustin tapped his husband’s nose, which was pretty much all that was visible in the nest of blankets. “Time to get up.”
Charlie let out a disgruntled noise. “’m sleeping.”
“I’ve gotta get to the rink and you promised me a good luck kiss before my games.”
Charlie threw back the covers and glared through one eye. The other was still closed and his hair stood up in every direction. “That was home games. This is an away game.”
“But you’re here with me.”
Charlie sighed. “Can I brush my teeth first? I still don’t know what a fisher cat is but I am pretty sure one died in my mouth last night.”
Laughing, Dustin gestured for Charlie to go into the bathroom. “Go for it, kitten. And I’m pretty sure it’s sangria not a fisher cat making your mouth taste that way.”
“Thanks.” Charlie stumbled to the bathroom, muttering, “Remind me never to let Taylor get me drunk again.”
Dustin snickered.
Charlie had flown into Chicago on a commercial flight yesterday morning and Dustin had arrived with the team later that day, then gone straight to the practice rink.
By the time he made it to Taylor and Jamie’s place, Charlie and Taylor were both three sheets to the wind.
They were both very cute when they were drunk. And Charlie was very handsy.
Thank God Jamie had offered to let him and Charlie stay in the guest room last night. And that Coach Casey had given him a little time away from the team except for practices and their game.
Charlie stuck his head out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth. “What’s a fisher cat anyway?” The words came out a little garbled but Dustin got the gist.
“It’s a type of weasel.”
Charlie squinted. “Huh. Otters are cuter.” He disappeared into the bathroom again and Dustin heard the sound of spitting.
“I’m a little offended by that!” Dustin called out.
Charlie let out a gargling noise that might or might not have been a response.
But Dustin had no complaints when Charlie sauntered out of the bathroom and slithered onto Dustin’s lap.
He pressed his palms to Dustin’s cheeks. “I suppose you’re cuter than an otter.”
“Damn right I am. Now kiss me. I only have two minutes.”
“Then I guess we better make the most of it.” Charlie bent his head and Dustin smiled against his mouth.
He didn’t come up for air until Jamie pounded on the door. “Heading to the arena now. I’m leaving you here if you don’t get your ass in the car ASAP.”
Dustin smirked at Charlie, then called out, “I hope you don’t talk to Ava like that!”
He heard a grumble from the other side of the door and he quickly pecked Charlie on the lips. “Gotta go, kitten.”
Charlie squinted. “Wait, is the fisher cat thing why you call me that?”
Dustin snorted quietly. “No. It’s because you’re a bundle of fluff with claws. Adorable but potentially deadly.”
Charlie seemed to consider that. “I don’t hate that actually.”
“Good. Because I love you and want to keep calling you that until you’re 102.” Dustin kissed him again and smacked his butt. “Have fun at the game.”
“Love you too. Good luck!” But Charlie didn’t move from his lap.