“I love Toronto but I have actually missed this,” Charlie admitted with a contented sigh.
“I’ve missed it too. But if it means you’re happier and healthier …” Taylor’s voice grew serious. “Then it’s worth it.”
“I am.” Charlie propped himself up on one elbow. “And it isn’t all because of Dustin. Or at least … this wasn’t him saving me, you know? This wasn’t him magically making me better. But being happy, being with someone who makes me feel this way, who quietly supports me …” Charlie’s eyes grew watery and he blinked a few times. “It makes me feel stronger. I have days where, yeah, I get up in my head and I begin to doubt myself, but that passes. And without ever saying a word he reminds me I’m worth fighting for. And that I have to fight for myself.”
Taylor sniffled, wiping at his eyes. “You know that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. I—I never expected it to happen this way though. And with him of all people.”
Charlie laughed wetly. “You think I did? God, Dustin drove me nuts at first but he’s so kind. I thought nice guys were boring but he’s not boring at all. He makes me feel safe. In, you know, a totally non-boring way.”
“I love that for you. Even if it means you’re gonna live in Toronto permanently.”
“Sorry, babe. I … if I stayed for anyone, it would be you, you know that.”
“I know. But it’s time for you to spread your wings and fly.” Taylor flung his arm out dramatically.
“Oh God.” Charlie sat up long enough to grab a tissue, then blew his nose, laughing a little. “Never mind. If you’re going to say shit like that, I’m not gonna feel bad about leaving Chicago for good.”
Taylor stuck out his tongue. “Fine. See if I miss you anyway.”
Charlie would miss him though. So much.
But this was good. They weren’t awkward little teenage figure skaters clinging to each other anymore. They were grown men, off living lives of their own.
Taylor had always known he’d wanted a husband and kids.
When they’d met, Charlie had been too scared to admit he wanted to find love.
But he had. And he knew how lucky he was.
“We’ll still see each other, right?” Charlie asked.
Taylor’s face went soft. “Yeah, of course. Tell me when and I’ll come visit. And you can come here to visit too. Maybe when the guys have bye week, the four of us can all go somewhere warm. I think there was talk of Ava and her mom doing something together this year so I’m not talking Disneyland or anything.”
“Well, I still owe her that trip to Disney,” Charlie said. “But an adults-only vacation somewhere tropical does sound heavenly too.”
“Something to look forward to.”
“Definitely.” Charlie tucked himself next to Taylor again.
“You know, I think we did pretty well for ourselves,” Charlie said after another comfortable silence. “I never expected either of us to end up with pro hockey players but …”
“But they’re pretty good guys.”
“The best,” Charlie said, smiling.
“God, I’ve never seen you glow like this before,” Taylor said thoughtfully. He brushed Charlie’s hair off his forehead.
Charlie hummed. “I’ve never been this happy before. Dustin … he makes me feel like the best possible Charlie I can be.”
“The Charlie you were meant to be?”
“I think so. And I have to say, it feels pretty damn good.”
“Glad you came with us to Vegas last summer then? I know you were a little reluctant at the time.”
Charlie laughed. “I really am.”
* * *