Page 179 of The Husband Game

Confused but willing to play along, Dustin took Charlie’s hand and led him through the maze of hallways and elevators until they were in the tunnel.

Charlie was the one who marched down it, stopping only when he got to the door that led onto the ice. Most of the lights were off but there were still a few lit, partially illuminating the bench nearby.

Charlie peered down at the ice, then turned to look at Dustin.

Charlie had snuggled into the tuxedo jacket. It was ludicrously big on him but he looked cozy at least and his cheeks had some color in them again.

“I want you to take me skating sometime,” Charlie said decisively. “Just the two of us.”

Dustin blinked. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Charlie stepped closer. “I am. I’m tired of how much she took from me. I want skating back. I don’t want to compete. I don’t want to do shows. But I want to get on the ice and skate because I miss it. She doesn’t get to take anything more from me.”

“Okay. I’ll make that happen.”

As far as requests went, that was a pretty small one, but Charlie let out a small, relieved sigh at his words.

“Thank you.”

“How are you doing?”

Charlie seemed to consider the question for a long moment. “I’m … I’m okay.”

“Yeah?” Dustin stepped a little closer.

“I think I’m going to have a whole lot to talk about in therapy for a while but yeah, I really am okay. I-I hate that my mom showed up tonight. I hate that she’s so fucked up. I hate that I had to deal with it but I am okay. I almost … it sounds weird but I almost feel better now. Like it was cathartic, you know? Like draining an old wound that hadn’t quite healed.”

“How about what happened with your dad?” Dustin asked.

“That was … weird.” Charlie frowned like he was seriously thinking about it. “But if he holds up his end of the bargain and is willing to talk honestly … I think it could maybe be good for me.”

“I’m glad.” Dustin was pretty wary of the guy but it was Charlie’s call on how much he let him in his life or not.

Charlie tilted his head, studying him intently. “Are you okay?”

Dustin shrugged. “It was a hell of a night, that’s for sure.”

“Never a dull moment with the Monaghans around,” Charlie joked.

“I think I’ll stick to the one.”

“Yeah?” Charlie smiled up at him.

“Yeah. I kinda like having you around.” Dustin shifted their winter coats in his arms and felt the hard rectangular object in his breast pocket. He pulled the box out, then draped the coats over the low door to the ice.

“Speaking of which … This wasn’t how I planned to do this, but …”

Charlie gave him a quizzical look, staring at his hands. “What … what is that?”

“I have a little surprise for you. I was going to give it to you earlier but changed my mind.” Dustin held the jewelry box out to Charlie.

He took it, biting his lip as he cracked it open, revealing a diamond choker. “Oh, Dustin.” He sounded a little breathless.

The necklace was nestled against the black velvet and every time he moved, it caught the light, throwing off tiny, dazzling rainbows everywhere.

“This is …” Charlie looked up at Dustin, wide-eyed. “You didn’t have to …”

“Of course I didn’t. But I saw it and thought of you and decided to do it anyway. Do you like it?”