“I know how lucky I am for all I have. It’s the least I can do.”
Dustin thought again of the sparkling jewelry in his pocket. It would look beautiful on Charlie, although the much simpler gold necklace he wore was pretty too.
“Hey, I like your necklace,” he said. “Where did you get it?”
Charlie smiled, touching the pendant. It was made of two interlocking gold circles on a delicate chain. “Taylor. He bought it for me before I went into rehab. He has a matching one. It’s a reminder that even when we’re apart, we’re always together.”
“He’s a good friend.”
Dustin could never forget that without Taylor, Charlie might not be around.
The thought that he could have lost Charlie before he ever knew him made Dustin’s throat tighten.
He lifted his arm and pulled Charlie even closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He loved him so much it felt like his heart wasn’t big enough to contain it all.
“Taylor is the best.” Charlie sighed. “I missed him tonight though. That’s why I wore the necklace. We used to get ready for events and parties together and I guess I got nostalgic or something.”
“You’ll see him soon,” Dustin reassured him. “We’ll be in Evanston in a few weeks.”
Charlie smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”
The gift could wait, Dustin decided. There was no rush.
The bright lights of Toronto flew by as they sat in comfortable silence, sipping their Champagne, and Dustin contemplated how to put into words all that he felt for Charlie.
* * *
Charlie floated through the gala on Dustin’s arm.
He hardly knew what he said or what he did. But he heard every word Dustin said. He saw the way he looked at him, eyes soft and warm as he described what Charlie was working on in his house.
Praising his design skills, raving about how happy he was.
With every sentence, every look and soft touch, Charlie became more certain Dustin meant every word of it.
It was heady to hear. Heady to feel Dustin’s hand, low on his back, as he guided him around the room.
The little stolen kisses to his cheek, the brush of his fingertips against Charlie’s bare back, the whispered words Dustin said as he handed him another glass of Champagne or shared a plate of appetizers with him … they were electric.
They lit Charlie up from the inside out until he felt as amazing as Dustin thought he was.
It was like Dustin had helped lift the veil covering Charlie’s eyes and nudged him to really look at himself in the mirror.
Not the one twisted by his mother or warped by his own brain. But something so bright and clear that when he studied himself, he saw who he really was.
Smart and sure and strong and beautiful in every way.
He felt light and happy as they worked the room together, gently coaxing prospective donors to bid on the silent auction prizes or try to win a day with a player.
“Well, you’ve certainly twisted my arm into bidding, but I don’t know, honey,” a white-haired gentleman said as he tore his eyes away from Dustin to look at Charlie. “If he were mine, I don’t think I’d let him out of my sight. I don’t know how you do it.”
Charlie laughed softly. “It’s simple. I trust him.” He glanced over at Dustin to see him already looking down at him.
The look in his eyes took Charlie’s breath away.
“Ahh, young love,” the donor’s husband said. “Remember when we were like that?”
Charlie reached out, taking Dustin’s hand and squeezing. He felt the warmth of the metal band on Dustin’s finger and made a promise to himself that before the night was up, he’d tell Dustin how he felt.