“In what world am I married to a man like you?” Charlie shook his head, eyeing Dustin appreciatively.
Dustin smiled. “In a world where I’m lucky enough to be married to you.”
Charlie tipped his head back, looking up through his lashes. “Seems like we both got lucky.”
“Seems like we did.” Dustin let his gaze rake over Charlie again. “God you never fail to take my breath away.”
“Kiss me,” Charlie demanded.
“And risk messing up your makeup, kitten?” Dustin rasped but he pulled Charlie close and dipped his head. He compromised by brushing his lips across Charlie’s neck and making him shiver. “Will this do?”
“You’ll get no complaints from me,” Charlie murmured, gripping Dustin’s arms.
Dustin pressed warm, soft kisses along Charlie’s throat and up his jaw.
“Dustin. I …” Charlie melted against him.
He teased his tongue across Charlie’s collarbone, thinking about the black velvet box safely tucked in his coat pocket.
Should he give the necklace to Charlie now or on the way to the event?
“Yes, kitten?” Dustin smiled against his skin.
“I … I need you.”
“I’m right here.” He grasped Charlie’s hips and pulled him a little more tightly to him. Charlie’s eyes fluttered closed.
“More,” he begged.
But Dustin lifted his head with a regretful sigh. “We have to go to this gala. I can’t skip it.”
Charlie gave him a disgruntled look. “You got me worked up on purpose, mister, and you’re just going to leave me hanging?”
“Not on purpose,” Dustin countered. “I just couldn’t resist.”
Charlie wrinkled up his nose. “Likely story.” But his eyes sparkled.
“But …” Dustin smiled, gently grabbing his chin so they looked each other in the eye. “There’s always after …”
Charlie let out a shaky breath. “Yeah?”
“Mmhmm.” Dustin pressed another kiss to his jaw. “It’s a promise.”
Charlie slid a hand down to his ass and squeezed. “I’ll hold you to that.”
Dustin’s phone buzzed, letting him know the car had arrived, so he helped Charlie with his coat, then slipped his own on, patting the breast pocket where he’d stowed the necklace.
On the ride there, Dustin cracked open a bottle of Champagne, pouring it carefully.
Charlie tucked himself close and laughed softly, gesturing with his flute of wine. “Six months ago, I was wondering how I’d ever pay off my hospital bills and look at me now. I’m wearing vintage Gucci and drinking a very nice bottle of Dom Perignon in the back of a town car.”
“Hopefully it’ll make up for watching your husband get auctioned off to some stranger,” Dustin said teasingly.
Charlie laughed. “I doubt it. But since the proceeds are going to the children’s hospital, I suppose I’ll allow it.”
Dustin smiled. “Very magnanimous of you.”
“Noblesse oblige and all that,” Charlie said grandly before giggling. “No, seriously, it is a great cause and I think the charity work you and the organization do is wonderful.”