Dustin smiled because he’d never heard Charlie sound bashful before.
“Okay.” Wade capped his pen. “So, I’m going to head back to my hotel now but let me know if you need anything. Dustin, once you’re back in Toronto, you’ll need to set up a meeting with your lawyer to get the post-nup papers signed and notarized.”
“Sounds good.” Dustin glanced over at Charlie. “As long as Charlie can sell this, I think we’ll be fine.”
“It will be difficult to pretend like I’m actually in love with you but I’ll do my best.” Charlie’s tone was as dry as the dusty desert outside the city. “Thankfully, I’m a very good actor.”
Wade slipped his laptop into his leather briefcase with a sigh.
“Look, guys, I’ve done the veiled hostility as foreplay thing before. That’s how Trevor and I got our start. But … try to remember you’re on the same side, okay? I know this marriage isn’t the real deal, but if you work together, there’s no reason it can’t be pleasant. You’re working toward the same goals. We want the code of conduct to pass, Dustin’s image to remain squeaky clean, and Charlie to be fairly compensated for his time and effort. No one forced anyone to do this, remember?”
They both nodded.
Wade slung the bag over his shoulder. “And try to stay out of any more trouble. Please? Last night when I saw the two of you arguing at the bar, I wondered if you might end up with a public indecency charge but I’d really prefer it didn’t come to that. One scandal is enough. I was supposed to be enjoying a vacation with Trevor and Braden.”
Dustin winced. “Apologize to your boyfriend and son for me. I’ll send Braden some signed merch, if it’ll help.”
Wade chuckled. “It can’t hurt. Thankfully, he had a pool day planned with some of the other kids who came to the awards. I’m sure he’s been having a blast. But I would like to spend some time poolside as well, so keep things to a dull roar, please. For everyone’s sake.”
“Understood.” Dustin held out his hand. “And thanks for helping us come up with a good plan.”
“I hope it is,” Wade said as he shook. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“I won’t,” Dustin promised and Charlie quietly echoed that.
* * *
“Charlie? I’m ready to head out, if you are.”
Dustin stood a few feet away with his suitcase and a carry-on bag on the floor next to him.
“Uhh, sure, just let me grab my clothes from last night and stuff,” Charlie said, looking up from his phone.
Dustin cleared his throat. “I put it in my luggage. We’ll get your clothes cleaned when we’re home. Er, in Toronto.”
Charlie took a deep breath.
Well, he supposed Toronto was going to be his home. At least for the next year. And he was going to have to learn to live with Dustin. They might not be married for real but they were going to have to get along.
“Thank you.”
Charlie was halfway to the door before Dustin stopped him. “Wait. You forgot something.”
He spun to look at Dustin, who held out his wedding rings. Earlier this morning, Charlie had worked them off his swollen fingers with the help of cool water and lotion, then left them on the shelf in the bathroom. Dustin hadn’t taken his off.
“Oh. Right.”
Charlie felt flustered as he reached for the rings but Dustin shook his head. “I think that’s my job.”
As Charlie lifted his hand, palm down, fingers spread slightly apart, there was a fine tremor to it he hoped Dustin would ignore.
The metal was warm as Dustin slid the rings on.
When they were seated at the base of Charlie’s ring finger, Charlie and Dustin both stared down at them.
“There,” Dustin said softly. He glanced up, looking Charlie in the eye, and Charlie had to suppress a shiver as he stroked the pad of his thumb across Charlie’s knuckles. “Now it looks official.”