He’d known they’d like each other, he’d been sure of it, but it was still so good to see.
Dustin hoped maybe with time, Charlie would see them as family. It would be good for him to have more people who loved him. More people to support him. Dustin’s family wasn’t perfect but they were worlds away from Charlie’s parents.
They were loving and kind and they would never do anything to harm Charlie.
“Hey, look who’s here!” Matty called out as he skated past the glass. He waved wildly.
Dustin glanced up, smiling at the sight of Charlie and Birdie watching the warmups. They—along with Dustin’s family and some of the other families and spouses of his teammates—would watch the game from a club-level private box.
But it was nice Charlie had come down to ice level to see him.
Dustin skated over, grinning. It made his chest warm to see his person waiting on the other side of the glass.
“Hey, kitten,” he hollered, waving.
Charlie gave him a little wave, beaming. “Hi!”
With the thumping music playing and the sound of the crowd—extra loud because it was the start of the season—he couldn’t hear him. But he could see the words he mouthed.
Dustin couldn’t stop staring at Charlie. He wanted to drink in his smile until he felt full with it.
He held his glove up to the glass and Charlie mirrored the motion, his blue eyes so soft and warm, his bright pink lips curved up in a smile.
Dustin’s heart thudded under his gear and he wondered how he’d gotten so lucky.
“Stop mooning,” Matty shouted. “We’ve got warmups to do, you sap.”
“Yeah, okay.” Reluctantly, Dustin tapped on the glass, then blew a kiss to Charlie before he skated away.
He got his head into the game, skating his usual laps around their half of the ice, then flipping a few lazy wristers into the net. He stretched for a minute and had his usual drink of water before doing a few more quick loops.
The players on the ice began to thin, guys slowly making their way off one by one.
Dustin buzzed by Charlie a final time, spraying ice at the glass to make him laugh.
He waited by the door until Dominic knelt, kissed the ice, then stepped off. Dustin followed behind because he was always the last one off.
The mood in the locker room felt a little lighter than last week.
It was still hard to glance over at Felix’s stall and see it empty.
One of the AHL guys was in the lineup in his place. Dustin had no idea when Felix would be back and that stung.
Dustin reminded himself Felix was getting help, Charlie was doing well, and he was heading out on the ice to kick off the season.
He was going to have to hold on to that.
* * *
After warmups, Charlie and Birdie headed up to club level. It was about halfway up, jutting out over the seats, and these private boxes were open to the air, unlike the enclosed boxes above.
Many of the other partners and spouses were there, along with their families.
Charlie took a seat next to Emily and as they waited for the game to start, he leaned over. “So, I need to hear all of the dirt on your brother.”
Emily grinned widely and cracked her knuckles, just like Dustin always did. “Well …”
By the time she’d finished telling him the story of the time Dustin got grounded for sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night to skate, Charlie had to carefully wipe at his eyes. “Oh God, what a nerd. I am never letting him live that down.”