Page 160 of The Husband Game

Was it love? Charlie wasn’t sure.

But it was something soft and warm that made Charlie feel like he was simultaneously small and safe yet also ten feet tall.

And he hadn’t known how much he’d craved that feeling.

That strange blend of security and freedom he’d never found with anyone else.

Dustin didn’t want to control him. He didn’t want to save him. He didn’t seem to want anything but to be there for Charlie, quietly and steadily reminding him whatever he faced, he wasn’t doing it alone.

It should have been terrifying but somehow it wasn’t. Scary, sure. But not overwhelming.

Growing up, love had meant being hurt. It was why Charlie had cut his parents out of his life, because he was no longer willing to stand by and allow the people who were supposed to love him break him down until he was nothing.

Charlie had needed to be free of that before he could heal. Before he could figure out how to love himself.

And maybe he wasn’t there yet, not where he wanted to be, but he could feel himself growing stronger, more sure of himself.

“Kitten?” Charlie glanced up to see Dustin studying him, dark brows drawn together. “Are you still working on your food or are you done?”

“I’m still working on it,” he said. “But … can I have a hug first?”

Dustin’s face did something Charlie couldn’t quite identify. It sort of … crumpled, then smoothed out, leaving his expression so soft it made Charlie’s eyes water.

Dustin scooted his chair back, holding out his arms. “C’mere. You have can all of the hugs you want.”

So Charlie settled on his lap, tucking his head against Dustin’s shoulder, and felt Dustin’s arms squeeze tightly around him.

He’d felt very fragile for a moment but the snug pressure of Dustin’s arms reminded him he was sturdier than he gave himself credit for.

If this was what it felt like to be loved, it wasn’t nearly as scary as Charlie thought it would be.


Charlie’s stomach twisted with nerves as he followed Birdie into the arena through a private entrance not available to the public.

He didn’t care what fans thought about him but Dustin’s family was here and he was about to meet them for the first time.

That was nerve-wracking.

Birdie must have sensed his anxiety as she towed him through the hallway, because she was chattering away non-stop.

He suddenly wondered if Birdie was her real name or if it was a nickname. When she really got going, she sounded like a whole flock of excited little birds cheeping.

Charlie tuned back in when she said, “Your lipstick is super cute, Charlie. What color is that?”

He puckered up and blew her a kiss. “Chanel’s Ultrawear Liquid Lip in Shocking Pink.”

“I love it. You can totally pull off vibrant shades. Looks great with the green jerseys too.”

“Don’t I know it.” He winked. “I call it ‘fuck you’ pink.”

Birdie laughed. “Who are you telling ‘fuck you’ to?”

“Anyone who doesn’t like it.” Which was a bold move for the first game of the season when he was meeting Dustin’s parents for the first time but fuck it.

Dustin swore he liked Charlie exactly the way he was and everything he’d done had backed that up.

If Dustin hadn’t wavered, why should Charlie?