Page 154 of The Husband Game

“I’m glad it wasn’t worse,” Dustin said softly.


“Yeah.” Dustin reached up and cupped his cheek, brushing his thumb across the soft skin. “I am. I care about you.”

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“You don’t have to thank me. You deserve to be cared about.”

Charlie’s swallow was audible. “Very few people in my life have made me feel that way.”

“Well, they were wrong and you deserved better.”

“The past few weeks have been pretty stressful for me,” Charlie said quietly. “On the whole, I’m doing a lot better than I have in the past. But this stuff with my mom threw me for a loop. I’m trying to take it one day at a time but I can feel myself slipping.”

“Does your therapist know?”

“Yes. And Taylor too. I’m trying. But it’s not always easy.”

Dustin rubbed his thumb across the backs of Charlie’s fingers. “I’m sure it’s not.”

“Bridget will be delighted,” Charlie said with a little sigh as he shifted, lying down next to Dustin again.


“Because she’s been bugging me for months to tell you. I—I tried the other night, actually. When Natasha and Jordan were over but …”

“Shit.” Dustin frowned. “I remember that. But I didn’t let you.”

“It’s okay. The timing was terrible.”

“Yeah but …” Dustin hesitated. “God, I don’t know if I should say this, but if we’re being honest here …”

“What is it?” Charlie sounded apprehensive.

“I saw you get rid of your food. I was carrying the apple tart out when I remembered we had ice cream to go with it. I went to get it and I caught a glimpse of you through the window. You were … you were throwing your food away behind the bushes.”

“Oh God. I’m so embarrassed.” Charlie ducked his head, hiding it against Dustin’s shoulder.

“No, don’t be embarrassed, kitten.” Dustin pulled him closer, kissing the top of his hair.

“It’s humiliating. I don’t want you to see me like that.”


“Because …” He sat up but he wouldn’t look Dustin in the eye. “Because I want you to think I’m …”

When he didn’t finish his thought, Dustin supplied the word. “Perfect?” he guessed.

Maybe they were alike in that way.

“Kind of.” Charlie let out an annoyed little sigh. “I … this wasn’t even a real marriage, you know? I wanted you to keep thinking I was this sexy little bit of arm candy and I didn’t want you see what a mess I actually am.”

It didn’t escape Dustin’s notice that Charlie used the phrase ‘wasn’t a real marriage’ not ‘isn’t’.

But now was not the time to ask him if he’d changed his mind.

“What if I told you I’d rather have the real Charlie?"