Tonight, the second intermission was already underway and Charlie watched them recap the second period of the game, wincing when he saw Matty take a penalty, and again at the goal the Lynx got during the penalty kill.
Toronto was not off to a great start this season. Everyone kept saying these exhibition games didn’t matter, which was certainly true from a points perspective.
But Charlie could see how heavily it was weighing on Dustin.
And that was on top of everything else. The news about Felix had hit Dustin hard.
Charlie had seen it in every strained smile and the tightness around his eyes. He didn’t laugh much and he’d been gone more than he’d been home this week. He’d been involved in meetings with the head office and was working as Felix’s union rep to get him assistance through the NHLPA program and Charlie didn’t begrudge him any of that.
But he was often gone when Charlie got up for work. He rarely got home before Charlie did. Some nights he was out late and Charlie ate dinner alone.
When he was home, he seemed subdued.
And he seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
He still kissed Charlie hello and goodbye but it felt perfunctory. He still made Charlie’s tea in the mornings when he could and he laughed when Charlie said something funny but his eyes were sad, his expression drawn.
It was horribly lonely.
Charlie hadn’t realized how much he enjoyed those bright smiles and the soft teasing and Dustin playfully calling him kitten. He hadn’t noticed how much he liked the banter they had and the way Dustin casually touched him.
They’d managed sex a few times and one night earlier this week, Charlie had woken to Dustin sliding into bed beside him.
Charlie had still been half-asleep but he’d turned over and kissed Dustin. That had quickly escalated and Dustin had pushed him onto his back, taking his cock in his mouth.
After the game two nights ago, Dustin had put Charlie on his knees, grabbed his hair, and fucked him like a man possessed.
It still made Charlie hot under the collar to remember it and Dustin was far too generous of a lover to not make sure Charlie got off. But he hated that Dustin felt so distant.
Although Charlie wondered if he was partially to blame for that.
Ever since the Hendersons’ party, he’d felt stirrings of unease, wondering if Dustin’s retreat was about more than worry for his teammate and friend.
But despite Charlie’s initial gentle probing, then more pointed questions, Dustin refused to open up.
“I’ll be fine,” he’d said last night as they were curled up together in bed, still a little flushed from their orgasms. “It’s … it’s been a stressful week. I’ll figure it out.”
He’d turned onto his side, tucking Charlie up against him.
The warmth of Dustin’s chest against Charlie’s back and the soft gust of his breath on the sensitive spot at the crook of his neck had been comforting. Familiar.
Dustin had given Charlie a sleepy kiss on the back of his neck, then sighed.
In minutes, his breathing had evened out, his arm growing lax and heavy where it draped across Charlie’s waist.
But Charlie had lay in the dark bedroom, worrying.
Connecting physically didn’t mean they were connecting in other ways.
Charlie had heard everything Dustin had said at the party, telling off that prissy little bitch, Jill WhatsHerFace.
He wondered if Dustin was regretting what he’d told her.
Charlie was certain Dustin had meant what he’d said in that moment.
But when push came to shove, when dollars and the weight of an entire organization, an entire league, was pressing down on him, would he begin to have doubts?
Was the team actually losing ad revenue because of Charlie? Were people pressuring Dustin to rein Charlie in? Was Dustin wishing he’d never asked Charlie to marry him?