Page 138 of The Husband Game

“I do. I love it here. And I know you’re worried about me. And I love you for it. But this is my fight, Taylor. Just because I had a little setback doesn’t mean it’s a full-on catastrophe. It doesn’t mean this is the wrong place for me.”

It surprised Charlie to realize it but when he laid it all out, he really was happy. He had a life and a community and he didn’t want to give that up.

“So when you and Dustin get divorced, you’ll … stay there?” Taylor sounded aghast.

“I mean, maybe.”

Taylor frowned. “Or are you thinking you won’t divorce Dustin?”

Charlie bit his lip. “I haven’t decided anything. But I’m—I’m pretty happy with him too,” he admitted.

And that wasn’t the whole truth because he was more than pretty happy.

“We’re good together,” Charlie admitted, although it was scary to say aloud. “He’s kind and he’s understanding and he looks out for me, but not in a patronizing way. He’s a good husband.”

“Are you sure it’s not just the great sex talking? Because you’ve raved about that.”

“The sex is great,” Charlie admitted. “But no. That’s not it. Not all of it. I like our life here together and maybe—maybe I’m not ready to see that come to an end.”

“It’s only been, what, four months? That’s hardly long enough—”

“Yeah, and how long were you and Jamie dating before you knew he was the guy for you?”

Taylor fell silent. “I … I don’t even know what to say, Charlie.”

“Say you’re happy I’m happy.”

Taylor gave him a half-hearted smile. “Of course I’m happy you’re happy. I’m just worried.”

Charlie sighed.

“I know. And I love you for it. But I need to prove to myself I can handle setbacks. And that’s what this is. I’m never going to magically be cured, Taylor.”

He winced. “I know.”

“I mean, I wish there was a magic fix for an eating disorder but there isn’t. Only continuing to work at it. And I hope someday I can be at peace with food and my body but that doesn’t mean the disorder will be gone. Not completely. I will always need to be aware of it. But this setback was better than the last one. And that one was better than the time before that. I’m not failing again. I’m making progress.”

“You’re right. You are totally right and progress is good. That’s what matters.”

“It is.

Taylor frowned. “I’ve—I’ve been too pushy.”

“A little,” Charlie agreed. “But I love you for your concern. I wanted to tell you this because I am trying to be honest about it. I hid my relapse from you last year. But I’m in a better place now so I’m being honest with my therapist and with you about where I’m at.”

“I’m glad.” Taylor gave him a long, searching look. “What about Dustin? Does he know?”

“No. Or … well, sometimes I think maybe he suspects something. But I haven’t told him yet.”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“Yes. Soon, I think,” Charlie said as he glanced down at his wedding rings. “He should know.”


“Oh, kitten.”

Dustin’s voice was a low rumble and Charlie smiled as he pirouetted, showing off his outfit. “You like?”