Page 136 of The Husband Game

Dustin grinned and took a sip of the watery drink at the bottom of his glass, crunching down on a piece of ice.

“So, anyway, I know vasectomies aren’t like a hundred percent reliable but with condoms and all that, pretty safe, right? And like I said, it had been forever since Sky and I last slept together so I wasn’t worried it was mine. Once she told me the timeline, there was zero chance I was the one who knocked her up.”

“Okay, go on.”

“Yeah. So, she started going on this rant, freaking out because she’s pregnant and she wants to keep the kid. But the baby daddy is in the wind and while she doesn’t need a man to take care of her, she definitely needs a friend.”

“Ahh, and that’s where you come in?”

“Yeah.” Nico shrugged. “I mean, I’m not what anyone would necessarily call Mr. Responsible but like, I try to be a good friend.”

“You are.”

“But like … holy shit it’s a lot. I’ve been going with her to her checkup appointments and stuff but the paparazzi are following us everywhere and she’s freaking out they’re going to figure it out and … I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.” He shrugged, rubbing his head. “She wanted my help but I think we’re both starting to realize this is the best I’ve got.”

Dustin let out a little laugh. “Poor woman. What about her family?”

“Ahh, they don’t know yet. And they’re kinda … not that helpful.”

“Right. She doesn’t have any siblings or any other close friends?” Dustin had met her a handful of times but he couldn’t remember her ever talking about her family.

“Nah, she’s an only child and the rest of her friends are, if you can believe it, even less helpful than I am.”

“Well, good luck.” Dustin held up a glass. “And, uh, I know nothing about pregnancy so I’m not going to be any help but maybe put her in contact with Elena? She’s had five kids and she’s a smart, level-headed woman.”

“Yeah, good idea.” Nico sighed. “It’s just … I dunno. I want to be there for her but it’s gonna get harder when the season starts.”

“It will. But hey, it’s a good thing you’re doing, looking out for a friend.”

They spoke for a few more minutes about it and Dustin apologized again for having missed Nico trying to talk to him about it before.

Nico waved it off. “No, it’s cool. It’s good to see you and Charlie happy together. I don’t blame you for being a little distracted.”

He rubbed his head again and Dustin frowned. “Hey are you okay? Do you have a headache or something?”

Nico rolled his neck. “Yeah. I’ve had this weird nagging thing for a bit now. Nothing major, probably just a tension thing from all the stress.”

“If it goes on too much longer, see a trainer about it.”

“Yeah, I will.” Nico rubbed his neck. “Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent.”

“Yeah, of course.”

Nico sighed, looking uncharacteristically serious. “It’s just … it’s really stressing me out, man.”

“I’m sorry,” Dustin said again, guilt gnawing at him. “I should have been here for you.”

Nico frowned. “Dude, you’re not the only guy I can go to. Matty and Dom have the A too. They’re always willing to listen.”

“I know but …” Dustin flailed, annoyed he’d dropped the ball so completely on this. He’d vowed to do better this season.

“It’ll be fine,” Nico said with a little laugh, patting his shoulder as he stood. “Chill out, D.”

“Where are you off to?” Dustin asked.

“Hookup.” Nico waved his phone. “It’s been at least three days since I’ve gotten my dick sucked and that is a crime.”

Dustin snorted. “I’ll be sure to alert the authorities.”