Page 133 of The Husband Game

Walking away with a few regrets but no real heartache because he’d never let his heart get involved in the first place. Not the way he had with Charlie, anyway.

But when Dustin thought about his year with Charlie being up, his chest went tight. He couldn’t imagine going back to an empty house with no one but the team around. And they were great, but it wasn’t the same as falling asleep with someone every night and waking up with them in the morning.

It wasn’t the same as shifting his world to fit them into his life.

It wasn’t the same as being in love with Charlie.

“Oh shit,” he whispered.

“Dustin?” Jamie sounded concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“I love him,” he said, feeling a little shaky. “I—I love Charlie.”

Jamie let out a little laugh. “Oh boy.”

“I don’t want to let him go.”

“So … don’t.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“It is,” Jamie said quietly. “At least when Taylor and I were trying to figure out how to be together we were both on the same page about wanting a relationship. But I’ve never known you to back down from a challenge.”

“I don’t but …” But this was so much bigger. The wins and losses in a game were huge but this was Charlie’s life.

His health and his happiness.

Dustin’s too, of course, but now that he knew what Charlie wrestled with, it felt incredibly daunting. It was one thing to risk his own heart but he wanted to protect Charlie’s.

But if Dustin didn’t go for it, he’d never have a chance. Because he didn’t think Charlie would ever allow himself to believe Dustin wanted to keep him.

“Fuck, what do I do?” he asked. “Do I tell him how I feel? What I want?”

“Maybe take it slow,” Jamie said, his tone thoughtful. “He’s pretty skittish.”

“Yeah, true. Fuck. This is a lot.”

“It is.” But it sounded like Jamie was smiling.

Dammit. He was enjoying this. And well, Dustin had given him shit about his mooning over Taylor so maybe it was fair. But it still sucked to be on this end of things.

“Maybe don’t tell Taylor,” Dustin blurted out. “I mean, I don’t want to cause problems between you guys, but if you don’t mind, could you maybe keep it a little quiet for now? I don’t want Taylor saying anything to Charlie.”

Jamie blew out a breath. “Dustin …”

“I mean it, Jamie. Please.”

“I have to tell him about the eating disorder stuff. It’s too important to keep silent about and I could never live with myself if I kept quiet and he had a full relapse. But I guess I don’t have to tell Taylor about your feelings for Charlie yet.”

“Thank you.”

“I can pull it off for a little while because the season is starting and Ava’s got kindergarten and Taylor has a show starting soon. But if you don’t say something by the time we play each other in a few weeks, Taylor’s going to see right through me. We’re both busy enough right now he probably won’t notice, but once everything calms down a little, I know he’ll figure out something’s up. He can always tell when I’m hiding something. And you know he and Charlie talk all the time.”

“I know. And I will tell Charlie how I feel. But I need a little time to figure out how I want to do it.”

“Good luck,” Jamie said quietly. “I’m rooting for you, you know?”

“Yeah?” Surprised, Dustin smiled.