“Do they all play in the NHL?” Charlie asked.
“Nah. Darrin quit in high school to play basketball and he’s playing for the NBA now. Anthony didn’t make it past a couple of years in juniors. He’s working in Carolina’s head office now, doing scouting stuff. Kicking ass at it too,” Jordan said proudly. “I’m the best looking of the bunch though, of course.”
Dustin grinned. “Is that true, Natasha?”
“Ehh.” She gave Jordan a little wink. “I dunno, Anthony is pretty hot …”
“Hey!” Jordan protested, laughing. “Way to do me dirty in front of our friends, woman.”
She laughed and kissed his cheek. “You know I’m only teasing.”
He gave her a soft smile in response.
Talk turned to siblings but when Jordan asked Charlie if he had any, he shook his head. “Nope. Only child.”
“Lucky,” Natasha said. “I swear, my sister and I almost killed each other growing up.”
“Em tried to drown me in Lake Michigan once,” Dustin said with a grin. “Of course, I did the same to her.”
Natasha laughed and pushed her chair back. “I need to hear that story, but if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to use your bathroom first. Too much wine, I’m afraid.”
“Of course. You know where it is?”
“Yes. You are very generous about hosting team parties so I know my way around pretty well by now. Oh, by the way, I’m excited to see this place once all of the renovations are done.” She smoothed her skirt down. “The patio is fabulous and the plans you mentioned for the rest of the house sound amazing.”
“That was all Charlie,” Dustin said.
Charlie shook his head. “Don’t listen to him. I had a few ideas but he did all of the hard work today.”
After Natasha disappeared inside, Jordan turned to Dustin. “Hey, D, before I forget, I have the book for you that Anthony was talking about.”
“Great.” Dustin’s face brightened. “Thanks. It’ll be perfect for me to take on our next road trip.”
“I left it in the car though. Let me go grab it while I’m thinking about it.”
“Sure. No problem.” Dustin stood, clearing away some of the plates. “I’ll get dessert out.”
“Sounds good to me.”
After the door closed behind Jordan, Charlie leaned forward, grabbing Dustin’s arm. “Hey, I need to tell you something.”
This was fucking terrible timing but he needed to get this out.
“Hold that thought, kitten,” Dustin said with a smile. “There’s one more surprise for you.”
“I don’t need any more surprises,” he said weakly, afraid if he didn’t speak now, he’d lose his nerve. “I’m already wowed. Just let me say something first.”
“I’ll only be a few. I promise.” Dustin smiled so sweetly Charlie couldn’t say no to him.
“Okay,” he whispered. He’d tell Dustin after Natasha and Jordan left. He had to.
“Have a couple more bites of your salmon if you can?” Dustin said as he stacked the other plates.
“Of course,” Charlie promised with a tight smile. It was delicious and good for him and it had been made with such care.
But when Dustin disappeared into the house, Charlie failed.
Nerves had made his whole body feel jangly and disjoined.