“Don’t rush. Your work comes first.”
Charlie gave him a small, sweet smile, some of his earlier tension slipping away. “Thanks for understanding.”
“We’re a team, right?” he said.
Charlie stepped forward like he was going to push past him but Dustin gently grasped Charlie’s wrist, pulling him close before he could slip away.
“Hey, I do want to say this before you go get ready. I know we’ve both been busy,” he said, “And I mean it when I say the last thing I want is for you to neglect your work. But I’ve missed spending time with you lately.”
Charlie’s expression softened. “I … I know. I’ve missed that too.”
“And if I haven’t thanked you for all of the meals you’ve made me, I’m thanking you now.”
“You have. But I enjoy cooking for you.”
“And don’t think I didn’t notice the throw blankets carefully laid over me while I was snoring on the couch,” Dustin added teasingly, smiling.
Charlie shrugged, glancing away. “No big deal. I just wanted to help.”
“Well, it’s appreciated. You’re a pretty great husband.”
Charlie wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know about that.”
“I think you are.” He lifted Charlie’s hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it, his fingers brushing against the warm metal of Charlie’s wedding rings. “Now, go on. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Call me if you need me.” Charlie placed a quick kiss on his cheekbone then strode toward the stairs leading to their bedroom.
“I can handle it!” he called after Charlie. “Have some faith in me!”
* * *
Charlie guiltily slipped into the house from the garage, praying Natasha and Jordan hadn’t arrived yet.
He’d left work later than he’d planned. He hadn’t meant to but the client meeting had gone long and his boss had wanted to talk to him after and by the time he finally extricated himself, the sun was slipping below the horizon.
He’d spent the drive home feeling guilty.
He should have planned better. Should have remembered to check the shared calendar with Dustin before he scheduled a work meeting. He’d never had to schedule his life around another person before, but he’d been living with Dustin for months. He should have that figured out by now.
The whole reason Charlie was here was to make Dustin look good. He was supposed to be showing the world what a perfect relationship they had. Dustin had paid him a lot of money to do that and he shouldn’t have to pick up Charlie’s slack.
When Charlie walked into the living room, he found Dustin relaxing with Natasha and Jordan. They had drinks in hand and everyone turned to face him with a smile.
“Hey, guys,” Charlie said breathlessly. “I am so sorry. Work was crazy and my client meeting ran long and …”
“No worries.” Natasha shot him a bright smile. “We understand.”
Jordan let out a quiet snort, draping his arm over Natasha’s shoulders along the back of the couch. “Have Tasha tell you about the playoff game last season that went into triple overtime. On her birthday.”
“Oof.” Charlie winced. “I do want to hear that story but if you don’t mind, I am going to change real quick. I spilled salad dressing on my blouse earlier. I’ll be down in a jiff though, I promise.”
Dustin smiled, rising to his feet. “I’ll join you, kitten. Guys, I’ll be back in a moment.”
“Sure, no problem,” Jordan said, his tone relaxed. “We’re just going to keep enjoying these drinks.”
“God, I am so sorry,” Charlie whispered as Dustin followed him up the stairs. “You must be so mad at me.”