“No, I didn’t. But I wanted to.” Charlie craned his neck, glancing over his shoulder.
Dustin sighed happily. “It’s official, you are the perfect husband.”
Charlie snorted. “Yeah, okay.”
“Perfect for me, anyway.” Dustin gave him another kiss.
“Yeah, yeah.” Charlie rolled his eyes and waggled a spatula at him. “Get out of here or I’ll swat you with this.”
Dustin considered the idea. “I mean, that’s not necessarily much of a threat. I could probably be talked into trying a little light kink.”
Charlie laughed. “Kink later, breakfast now.”
“Yes, sir.” Dustin hopped up on the counter nearby and squinted at the skillet. “What are you making me anyway? It looks …”
“Scrambled oats. It’s incredibly easy. Egg, oats, mashed banana, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt.”
“Kitten, your cooking is amazing, but that looks and sounds disgusting.”
Charlie scowled at him. “Trust the process. It tastes incredible. And it’s exactly what you need for a day like today. It’ll give you protein, slow-digesting fiber, quick carbs, anti-inflammatories, tons of potassium …”
“All good,” Dustin agreed. But he was still skeptical.
“Try it before you knock it.”
“Are we talking about the kink or breakfast?” Dustin teased.
Charlie gave him a withering look. “The breakfast, you ridiculous horny man.”
“Hey, who can blame me?” Dustin gave him a lazy shrug. “I have an amazing husband who I can’t get enough of.”
Charlie ducked his head, but Dustin caught a glimpse of his smile.
Ten minutes later, they sat down to breakfast at the ping pong table. They were having to make do with a lot of temporary stuff while their kitchen was under construction.
Dustin took a bite of the scrambled oats and was an immediate convert.
“Okay, I was skeptical,” Dustin admitted, gesturing with his spoon. “But this is some good shit.”
“Darling,” Charlie said. “When are you going to learn to trust me?”
“Starting now,” Dustin promised, leaning forward to give Charlie a quick kiss. “I promise.”
“You like it though?” Charlie asked when he drew back.
“I do.”
Dustin had imagined the final product would be a disgusting mix of mushy oats and scrambled eggs but it wasn’t like that at all. It reminded him of soft, chewy warm granola. With Greek yogurt on top, some walnuts, and a small drizzle of maple syrup, it was fucking tasty.
“Ten out of ten,” he added with a smile.
“Glad to hear it.”
They both ate in silence, though it was comfortable, rather than awkward the way it had been when Charlie first moved in.
Charlie finished his small bowl long before Dustin did, and he stood. “I’m off to work.”
Dustin caught the back of his thigh, pulling him close. “Kiss for good luck?”