Page 106 of The Husband Game

Warmth settled in Charlie’s chest at the gesture. Whatever they were to each other, whatever else happened between them in the future, Charlie knew he was lucky.

Dustin was kind.

Charlie had spent years hating the idea of being married to anyone because he was terrified of giving them a chance to hurt him.

But of all of the people he could have drunkenly said ‘I do’ with in Vegas, he’d made a good choice in Dustin.

Charlie had expected to hate living with someone, but he didn’t hate this. He looked forward to seeing Dustin’s smile and hearing his laugh. He liked the way Dustin made him feel.

Sleeping beside Dustin and not fucking him was unmitigated torture but now that they were having sex, life was pretty much perfect.

Dustin took a big helping of the vegetable salad, and a smaller one of the rice. He tasted it cautiously but he gave Charlie a big smile after he’d chewed and swallowed.

It sent another fizzy burst of pleasure through Charlie.

“This is great. You can make it any time,” Dustin said enthusiastically.

“How about I share the recipe so you can make it?” Charlie teased.

Dustin gave him a sheepish look as he helped himself to more of the salad. “Sure. I might need supervision the first few times though. You never know, I might burn it.”

Charlie giggled. “That can probably be arranged.”

As they ate their meal, Charlie asked Dustin more about his day. He talked about skating this morning and how excited he was for the season to start.

“You love skating,” Charlie said softly.

“I do. Do you miss it at all?”

Charlie shrugged. “Sometimes I miss being on the ice but … competitive skating wasn’t good for me.”

“I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t. You were very talented.”

“Thank you.” Charlie took another bite of chicken, surprised to realize his plate was almost empty. “I was talented but it was making me miserable. For a long time I was sad about leaving but sometimes you have to move on from what isn’t making you happy, you know?”

Dustin reached for his glass but his expression was serious. “You’ll let me know if what I’m doing isn’t making you happy, right?”

“I will,” Charlie said slowly. “But you’ve been great. Honestly.”

His tone came out weirdly earnest but Dustin didn’t bat an eyelash.

“Good. I’m glad.” He reached out and touched the back of Charlie’s hand. “I want you to be happy.”

Charlie looked down at his wedding rings glinting in the candlelight and Dustin’s fingers resting against his skin.

“I think I’m getting there,” he whispered and it felt like the biggest secret he’d ever shared with anyone.

Charlie was rewarded with a smile so sweet it took his breath away.

* * *

After dinner was over, Dustin cleared the table.

“You stay here and relax, kitten,” he instructed. “I’ll load the dishwasher.”

Charlie tipped his head back and looked up at him. “Thanks. I’m going to run up and grab my bag first though. I want my sketchbook.”

“Can I see more of your designs? I loved the ones you did of the kitchen.”