Page 105 of The Husband Game

“What’s the verdict?”

“We caught it in time.”

“Good.” Charlie frowned. “Are there going to be any problems with Kate or Wade because of the podcast?”

“No. I called Kate on the way home. She said she’ll review it before it goes live but she thinks maybe it’s good if fans see a little bit more of the real me.”

“Rather than the family-friendly media package?”

“Yes, exactly.” Dustin laughed. “God, it’s so nice having someone who gets it. I dated some people who wanted fame and they couldn’t quite understand when I told them to be careful what they wish for. I don’t play hockey because I want to be well-known. I stayed in Toronto because I believe in this organization and love the passionate fans.”

“I understand,” Charlie said softly. “I, uh, in my skating days, I had a fan club. They were pretty active and they loved me up until I started to push the envelope. Some of them turned on me and it was … it was really ugly. When you’re in the public eye, there’s pressure coming from every direction and it can be a lot to manage.”

“It can be,” Dustin agreed. “But hey, if I’m happy, everyone else can get with the program or fuck off.”

Charlie laughed. “I hope that wasn’t what you said on the podcast.”

“God no. But the urge to do it was there.” He grinned, patting his pockets. “Oh, shit. That reminds me, I need to text Wade about it. I think I left my phone upstairs though.”

“Want me to grab it?”

“That’s sweet but I’ve got it. There’s something else I need while I’m up there anyway.”

“Want me to keep an eye on the chicken?”

“Please. I should only be a few though.”

While Dustin was gone, Charlie got up to light a few of the citronella candles scattered around the patio and the cluster of lanterns on the table.

After he checked the chicken breasts to make sure they weren’t charring, he leaned back in his chair and looked around, letting out a pleased sigh.

It was a hot late-summer day but the sun was beginning to slide behind the trees and the shaded patio was cooler and more comfortable with a light breeze blowing.

The happiness of a good day lingered and a little glow of contentment settled over Charlie.

When Dustin reappeared a few minutes later, he was carrying his phone, along with a bottle of Champagne and two fluted glasses.

Charlie arched an eyebrow as Dustin set them on the table. “Are we celebrating something?”

“Your good day at work. Unless you’d rather not?”

“No, that sounds nice.”

“Will you open the bottle while I check on the chicken?”


He’d brought down a dish towel too, so Charlie used that to gently work the cork out. A little of the bubbly liquid still spilled onto his fingers and he licked it off.

Dustin had turned back to reach for a plate and he stared at Charlie for a long moment as he let his finger go with an audible pop.

His gaze made Charlie’s skin heat but he still shivered.

“The chicken,” Charlie said faintly, pinned in place by the molten look.

Dustin shook his head and turned away but the fizzy feeling inside Charlie’s body had nothing to do with the drink he sipped.

After Dustin plated the meat, he toasted Charlie on his job working with Natasha and Jordan.