“Great,” Charlie said happily. “How was yours?”
“I skated like shit this morning,” Dustin said but he was still grinning. “Guess we overdid it a little this weekend.”
“Oh no.” Charlie pressed his fingers to his lips. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be.” Dustin ambled over and pulled him close. “It was worth it. Besides, it’s just an informal skate with the boys and private coaches. Nothing serious.”
Charlie’s eyes fluttered shut as Dustin kissed him.
It was … shit, it was good. Their bodies fit together so perfectly. Charlie loved the way he had to go up on his toes a little and the way Dustin held him, big hands circling his waist.
It made him feel small but in a good way. Safe and protected. Treasured, but not because he was fragile and in need of someone to take care of him.
He let out a quiet moan as Dustin licked into his mouth, deepening the kiss. Charlie reached up, digging his hands into Dustin’s hair. He let out a throaty groan, pushing him up against the wall of cabinets, but the scent of something sharper and far less pleasant than Dustin’s body wash teased Charlie’s nostrils.
Charlie pulled away and glanced over at the stove to see something smoking. “I think you’re burning.” He wrinkled his nose at the acrid smell.
Dustin jerked and spun to face the stove, cursing quietly under his breath. “Shit.” He stirred hard, then jerked the pan off the burner and turned it off with a sigh.
“Guess I’m going to have to start over,” he said ruefully. “That’s what I get for trying something new, I guess.”
Charlie bit his lip. “Would you like some help? We could maybe cook together or something?”
“Yeah.” Dustin gave him a pleased look. “Yeah, sounds great.”
“I need to change my clothes but I’ll be right back down.”
“Sounds good.” Dustin gestured to the burned food in the pan. “I’ll get this mess cleaned up.”
Charlie jogged up the stairs to the bedroom.
In the walk-in closet, he slid off his work clothes and reached for something more casual. He sifted through the fabric, his fingers closing on a pair of satiny short shorts.
He slid them on with a tank top that showed off his shoulders and arms nicely, knowing Dustin would appreciate the look.
After a quick makeup touchup, and a glance in the mirror to make sure he looked delicious from every angle, he jogged downstairs.
Dustin was standing by the sink scrubbing the pan.
He glanced up and his gaze was heated as he raked it over Charlie’s body, though his words were neutral enough. “So, I ruined the meal I was trying to make for you but we have some more chicken or salmon we could use. Which would you prefer?”
Charlie considered it. “Chicken. But we’re going to make it less boring.”
Dustin laughed. “I like un-boring food, I swear! I just … got busy with hockey and shit and didn’t learn how to cook much of a variety, unfortunately.”
“It’s fine,” Charlie said lightly as he reached for the refrigerator handle. “You have me now.”
“Lucky me.”
Charlie smiled into the refrigerator.
“How did you get into cooking anyway?” Dustin asked.
Charlie froze. “Uhh, well, I had to do something with my time after skating was over,” he said as lightly as he could manage.
He pulled out a package of raw chicken and a bowl of cashew rice salad he’d made the other day.
He’d decided to prep meals for his work lunches, rather than fretting about how many extra calories restaurants jammed into the food for no apparent reason.