“What’s going on?” Cade demanded as soon as the man answered.
“I tried telling her not to, sir.”
“Not to what?”
“Mr. Hawkins, your father, was at the house when I pulled up. Mrs. Hawkins wouldn’t stay in the car and invited him in for tea. Then she told me to go find you. I’m almost to your office.”
“Go back to the house now and don’t leave her there alone. I’m on my way.”
Cade ran to his car, not caring who might see him. As soon as he got in, he shouted for his phone to call Jake.
“Hey, man. What’s up?” Jake answered the call.
“My father went to my house and April invited him in for fucking tea!” Cade was reeling. “What the fuck is wrong with her? My driver left, and no one was there with them. I’m on my way there now.”
“Call me right back and let me know what’s going on. I’ll call everyone else.”
He ended the call just in time for Catherine to call him.
“How was lunch with Mother?”
“She didn’t show up. Father did though, at my house while I was here waiting for Mother! He’s there alone with April now, Cat.”
“I’m on my way.”
“No.” The call ended. “Shit,” Cade swore.
Now he needed to worry about both of them. Cade swore at the traffic as he raced to get back to his house. His driver hadn’t called him back yet, and he prayed that meant that he was there with them.
A block from his house, he hit more traffic and gave up on the car. Pulling over, he left it there and took off running. That was a problem for another time.
Running home, he was at the door in probably record time, throwing it open. “April!” he shouted.
No answer came. He tried calling her again but only reached voicemail. The door opened behind him and Cade spun, prepared to lose his mind on his father.
“Where is she?” Catherine asked.
“I don’t fucking know,” Cade shouted at her. He was losing his grip on all the emotions he’d shoved down deep, being overcome with fear for her.
“Have you called her?” Catherine asked.
Cade shot her a look that told her that was a dumb question.
“Fine,” Catherine said. She walked in and began to look around. “I don’t see that tea was ever started and her purse is here, Cade. I think we need to call the police.”
He considered his options. As much as he didn’t want to make what was happening public, he cared more about April’s safety. “You’re right.”
His phone rang, and Cade pulled it out of his pocket, seeing Jake on the screen.
“She’s not here.”
“Shit. Sit tight. We are all on our way over.”
He ended the call and turned to Catherine, who was across the room looking at something on the floor. “Everyone is on their way over,” he told her.
“Cade…” she sounded scared.
“What is it?” He walked over to her, looking at where she was.