Page 49 of Cade

Cade laughed and reached for her bowl. “I don’t think the salad deserves your anger.”

“It was helping,” she shrugged and let him take it.

“I’m glad that it was. You aren’t crying anymore, so I’ll thank the salad for it and then save it from further harm.”

April couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t understand what happened today. I’ve been trying to think it over, but it doesn’t make sense. They can’t actually fire me for it.”

“No, but it’s an at-will state so they can fire you for no reason. They could even call it downsizing or position elimination.” Cade explained. “We could still sue them for it because it’s obvious why, but they would have that argument.”

“I think they wanted me to lie. I think they were looking for me to lie about so they could ignore it or maybe fire me for lying.”

The more she thought about it the more angry she got. She wanted to know how they knew but that was unliklely.

“Come on. Let’s do anything else. How about a movie? I’ll even let you pick something terrible,” Cade teased.

“Oh, is that a challenge? I can do a really bad one.” Happy not to dwell on the fact that her life was falling apart, or her career was anyway, she played back.

“I remember you used to be really bad at choosing movies,” he told her.

“Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad.” She snatched the remote. “Maybe something with subtitles?”

She laughed as Cade tackled her, pretending to try to take the remote. He was careful to keep his weight off her but she was just so happy he was here for her that she didn’t want it to end.

“I could put on a documentary,” Cade joked.

“No way! This is for entertainment, not learning.”

“I am entertained when I learn,” he laughed and backed away. “I’ll go make us some popcorn.”

“I want to learn about how this guy and girl get together,” she yelled back toward him before picking a romance and waiting for him to return.

She knew Cade would sit here and watch it from start to finish. He always did even when he didn’t like the movie. She used to wonder if he secretly liked the romance movies and her picking them just gave him an excuse to watch them. Then after it was over he’d complain for an hour about what was so bad about the movie.

Cade came back with two large bowls of popcorn and handed her one. Then he grabbed one large blanket and wrapped it around them both before sitting next to her and draping one arm around her shoulders, keeping her close.

Another time she’d explain about the partnership and the full extent of the impromptu meeting she’d been pulled into, but right now, she was going to forget it all and rest her head on Cade. She’d pretend everything was right in the world because when she was sitting here like this with him it was.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Cade hadn’t let go of the fact that April’s bosses had hurt her. By Wednesday morning, he had decided that it must have been his father and had called a meeting with his friends. They were due in his office at any minute.

Today was about confessions, and he was prepared to tell everyone what was going on. No more hiding it, not taking it all on himself. April had told him last night as they laid in the bed that he needed to share the burden and let others help.

She’d told him that just because he could do it alone didn’t mean he had to. It wasn’t anything he didn’t already know, of course, but hearing her say it had made it click for him. His friends wouldn’t judge him, he knew that they’d help.

“What’s going on?” Jake walked in, taking a seat.

“I’d rather just explain it once,” Cade answered.

“Okay, fine,” Jake pretended to pout.

Cade was surprised that Lauren hadn’t followed Jake in as she usually did. They must have both understood that Cade needed this to be just between them.

One by one, his friends showed up. Luke last, as always. As they took their seats, Cade stood and closed the door, shutting them in. It gave him a moment to remind himself that they would understand.

“I need to tell you all something and I need your help,” he addressed the group.