Leaving her some privacy still, Cade backed away from the door and sat in the chair on the corner of her room. He would just wait her out, no matter that his knee was now bounding and he was only coming up with worse scenarios.
After five minutes and she still hadn’t emerged, Cade went back to the door and knocked again. “April. We need to talk now, come out or I’m going to open this door.” Not wanting to really do that, he continued. “If you’re working with my father you need to just tell me what is going on. I can’t have you here if you are keeping things from me and it will void our contract.”
It wouldn’t actually, and she would know that better than anyone. He hadn’t thought to include anything about that in there. It was a shortsighted moment on his part that he was regretting now.
“April, just admit it and we can talk. Help me understand.” He waited, still no response from her. He was beginning to wonder if he was talking to an empty room.
He didn’t know if it was locked or not but he was about to find out. Putting his hand on the handle, he was surprised when it gave immediately. Pushing it open, he stepped into the bathroom.
What he hadn’t expected was the water running in the sink, drowning out the sounds. He turned it off and looked for April. Curled in the floor by the toilet, she moaned but didn’t make an effort to move.
“Fuck,” he said as he went to her.
There he had been on the other side of the door accusing her of working with his father and she was in here sick. He been an idiot and should have thought of that first. It made sense with the way she’d been acting.
“April, baby, are you okay?” He reached down and touched her forehead. Not warm, but clammy.
She groaned again but didn’t open her eyes. Without another thought, he scooped her up, into his arms, holding her close as he took her out of the bathroom. Skipping past her bed, he carried her out of her room and put her where he wanted her, his bed.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered to her as he lowered her down into his bed.
He felt her body lurch and ran to his own bathroom to get the trashcan to sit by the bed for her before crawling next to her. He rubbed small circles on her back until he felt her breathing even out and he knew she’d fallen back asleep.
Laying there next to her, Cade beat himself up, hoping that she hadn’t heard all that he’d accused her of while she was just sick. He was a top-notch idiot and had a lot to do to make up for it.
While she slept, Cade finally rose and went to clean up from breakfast. He scarfed down some for himself and put the dishes in the sink, setting her plate in the microwave in case she felt better when she woke up. He also ordered some chicken soup in case she didn’t.
As quickly as he could, he returned to her side. She was still sleeping and hadn’t moved an inch. He checked her head again, but she didn’t feel like she was running a fever. The good news was she felt less clammy.
He settled in next to her, pulling the covers around them both and held her lightly. He didn’t move her and was careful not to disturb her. He ran his hand up and down her back, whispering soothing words to her all while hoping she didn’t wake and get sick again.
“Cade?” she finally spoke.
“I’m here,” he answered.
“I don’t feel good.” Her voice was weak.
“I know, baby. It’s okay. I won’t leave you.” He wouldn’t either. Thankfully it was the weekend so he didn’t have anything to move or cancel which would take him from her side to get done. “Just rest.”
“I think… I think I might be pregnant,” she said.
Idiot. He was an idiot again. Why hadn’t he considered that? “What do you need?” he asked.
“A test.”
Cade jumped out of bed, quickly getting dressed for the day. “Is there a kind I should get?” he asked her.
“I don’t know,” she said, sitting up. “I’ve never done this before.”
“No, of course you haven’t. I’ll just get all of them,” he assured her.
April laughed. It was weak, but it was a laugh. “Just get a few.”
“Anything else? I put a trashcan by the bed there.”
She looked over at it. “Thank you. Nothing else that I can think of.”
Cade went to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”