He nearly tripped trying to put his shoes on in his hurry to get out the door. He could send someone to do this but it would take longer. Besides, it felt too personal to send anyone else. Grabbing his keys, he was gone as every possible outcome rushed through his head.
The one thing he was sure of was that he wanted her to have his baby and it had nothing to do with his father.
Chapter Nineteen
April looked around Cade’s room from her vantage point on his bed. Unsure how she got here, she felt out of place in Cade’s darkly decorated room, so opposite to the light grey room she’d been given.
It suited him. That much was true, but she wasn’t meant to be in here. The last thing she remembered was coming down for breakfast and the smell of bacon smacking her in the face. Then her stomach had turned against her and she’d made a run for her bathroom.
She’d gotten up once, thinking she was done, but then it had revolted again. Cade wasn’t there, and she hadn’t been sure enough herself to tell him her suspicions. They’d only slept together the one time, after all.
Her plan had been to get a test today, then she’d tell him if it was positive. No one knew what was going on, though it had been hard to hide at work. Every single smell was making her ill, and she was exhausted. Food was hard to keep down in the times she was able to eat, but she was trying her best to get some things in.
The front door slammed, making her jump. She heard the plastic bag as Cade ran up the stairs, stopping at the bedroom door. He was out of breath and she bit back a smile to see him so uncharacteristically disheveled. It was nice to know he was human, too.
“I got all the different kinds, but the lady at the register said this one was best.” He held up a pink box.
“I’ll do that one then.” She moved the blankets and went to stand, only to find Cade right there at her side, helping her up. “I’ll be right back,” she told him, taking the box of tests.
It took a minute to get the package open and then read through the instructions. Easy enough, she peed on the stick and put the cap back on before opening the door. He was there on the other side, waiting.
“It says we have to wait three minutes. Can you start a timer?” She had no idea where her phone was.
He did, and she noticed his hands shook slightly. Reaching out to him, she took his free hand and squeezed it in her own.
“We’ll know soon,” she assured him. He was hard to read, and she didn’t know which way he wanted this to go.
He nodded. “Two minutes,” he laughed, holding his phone.
Neither of them left the bathroom doorway as they waited for the timer to go off. They stood there, both anxiously anticipating the results.
The quiet was so heavy over them that when his timer did go off, April jumped, startled.
“Do you want to go see?” Cade asked.
“Together,” she said.
April still held his hand and hadn’t noticed until she went to step back into the bathroom. He came with her, squeezing her hand as they did.
Looking down on the counter, the test was undeniable. Pregnant, the screen read. She looked in the mirror and watched Cade’s reaction. A rare unguarded moment for him. She saw him smile before going back to his business face.
“We did it,” Cade said.
“Sure did,” April nodded, dropping his hand. “Now what?”
“I don’t know. This is faster than I thought it would happen.”
“That’s for sure,” she muttered. “We need to find a doctor.”
“Yes. They can give you something so you won’t be so sick.” Cade began typing on his phone again.
“I don’t think that’s how it works. It’s just morning sickness and it should go away.”
He stopped typing and looked up at her. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Last night,” she answered confidently.